Theology-God Flashcards
The practice of attributing human characteristics to non-human entities
The Doctrine that Christ’s obedience, suffering and death in the cross effected a reconciliation between humanity and God following the original sin. Those who accept Christ are thereby redeemed from sin and reconciled with God
In the Bible , this is a formal agreement or relationship. They can be conditional or unconditional
ex Deo
Latin , meaning ‘out of God’ as in creation out of God’s own being
Ex Nihilo
Latin , meaning ‘from nothing’ as in the Doctrine of creation out of nothing
When applied to God means existing within the space-time universe
The belief in more than one God
Is part of the language of the Doctrine of atonement
To be saved from sin
“Hear , O Israel , the Lord our God is one”
Meaning ‘enfleshed’. The Doctrine of the incarnation is that the second person of the Trinity -the Son- took on human body and nature. He was made flesh by being born in the womb of Mary
The belief that there is only one God who possesses complete power and knowledge
All of the gods/ goddesses within any particular religious system
Greek for ‘rotation’ used in Trinitarian theology to describe the relation between three persons of the Godhead , often translated as ‘mutual indwelling’ - so that the Father is in the Son ; the Son is in the Father, and so on
Salvation History
Refers to the unfolding of God’s plan throughout history to save the human race from sin and death after the original sin. God reveals himself by means of his saving acts in human history. The Bible reveals God’s ongoing salvation of humanity
The most commonly used name of God in the Old Testament. Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels, so the original pronunciation is not known
Monotheism summary
- Early belief in Israel moved from polytheism to monotheism
- In the OT the covenants are based on moral commands
- Moral obedience is at the heart of salvation to God’s Kingdom
God is omnipotent Creator summary
- God created the world ex nihilo and ex Deo
* Some Christians rejected ex nihilo on the basis of mistranslation
God as controller of all things summary
- God’s omniscience leads to theological determinism
* Others believe God is timeless and knows what will happen but does not cause them
God it’s transcendent and unknowable summary
- Because God is omnipotent and omniscient so we cannot know him with mere human minds
- Rudolf Otto said God is holy and numinous
The Doctrine of the Trinity and its importance
- Perceived rather than found in New Testament writings
- The Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are one God in three persons
- Eternal and uncreated
God as Father summary
- Reflects Ancient East Patriarchal society
* He punishes disobedience but is also seen to be loving
God as Love summary
- Why does an omnibenevolent God allow evil to exist ?
- Basis of the covenant with Israel
- Encapsulated with Jesus’ atonement
- Reflects the relationship of the Trinity and give humans an example to live by
God as king summary
- Metaphors of God as sovereign ruler
- Royal imagery is used in the New Testament to portray Jesus as Messiah
- Jesus is bringing about the kingdom of God
Gender specific language about God summary
- Gender specific language relates to the patriarchal model of society in ancient Israel
- The royal line of Israel is almost exclusively male
- Dominate male figure results in feminist critiques
The Process God as neither omnipotent nor Creator
- The Hebrew Genesis talks about God creating order from pre-existent chaotic material
- God and the universe exist pantheistically
- God is not the creator nor is he omnipotent
- His power is limited by chaotic matter
- God is the mind and the universe is his body
Monotheism quote
“I am first and I am the last;besides me there is no God “ (Isaiah 44:6)
Multiple Gods in the Old Testament quote
“There is none like thee among the god , O Lord…”
God sustaining the earth quote
“…set the earth in its foundations so that it should never be shaken “ (Psalm 104:5)
God as transcendent and unknowable quote
“No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God “ (1 Corinthians 2:11 )
The Doctrine of the Trinity quote
“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit “ (Matthew 28:19)
Jesus being part of the Trinity quote
“I and the Father are one “ (John 10:30)
Jesus being pre-existent quote
“…before Abraham was , I am “ (John 8:58)
Paul explaining monotheism quote
“There is one God, the Father , from whom are all things and for whom we exist , and one Lord Jesus Christ , through whom are all things and through whom we exist “ (1 Corinthians 8:6)
God as King quote
The lord reigns , let the earth rejoice