Philosophy - Self , Death And The Afterlife Flashcards
For the ancient Greeks this was another word for the soul
For the ancient Greeks this was the thinking part of the mind
The term used for the influence of ideas and concepts developed by Descartes
The belief that after death an individual will be brought back to life by an external power often assumed to be God . A key Christian belief about Jesus
Replica Theory
Proposed by John Hick that the same person would both die and live on after death if a perfect replica of the dead person were to be created in the afterlife
The transfer of a soul or spirit from one body at death to a new one at birth
Quantum theory relates to the physical laws applying to the microscopic level
Post mortem
After death
The moral law of cause and effect. Each action has a consequence and the consequences may be felt in future lives
A continuing process of change from one life to the next and arguable from one moment to the next
This occurs when an immortal being or soul is not subject to death and cannot die
The ‘essence’ of the person. The nature of the soul is much debated , but it is generally consider spiritual rather than physical and it is usually distinguished from body and mind. In some traditions ‘soul’ pre-exists the body , and in many traditions it continues after the death of the body.
The theory that our minds are inseparable from our bodies
The theory that there exists both bodies and minds, distinct from one another , but linked together in some way
This may be defined as our own awareness of ourselves and the world ; the mental processes that we can perceive ; our thoughts and feelings . There is no agreed definition of what we mean by consciousness so the term needs to be used with care
Analogous to the gene , and invented by Dawkins. Memes include tunes , catchphrases , quotes and teachings that lodge in the brain where the brain imitates them. Dawkins has argued that it is through a meme that an individual can become immortal
Things that are able to exist independently of something else
The term used for the influence of ideas and concepts developed by Descartes
The constant and inseparable interaction of the mind ( psyche ) and the body ( soma )
1 Thessalonians 5:23
“May your whole spirit , soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”
Aquinas on the soul in Summa Theologica
“That the soul is what makes our body life ; so that the soul is the primary source of all these activities that differentiate levels of life: growth , sensation , movement and understanding”
Descartes , Mediation VI
“There is a great difference between the mind and the body , inasmuch as the body is by its very nature always divisible, while the mind is utterly indivisible”
Summary of Hameroff and Penrose
- Supports the survival of consciousness at the moment of death
- Penrose claims that it is quantum effects in the brain that are the sources of our feelings of self-awareness, consciousness and inspiration
- Consciousness is from tube like structures made of proteins that exist in all cells of the body not from direct brain activity
- These micro tubes can change and develop in nanoseconds and support brain activity at all levels
- Microtubules can leave the body at the threats of death
Who is John Locke
- 1632-1704
- First to define the self through a continuity of consciousness
- He postulated that ,at birth , the mind was a blank slate or tabula rosa
What did Locke say
- Personal identity consisted neither in sameness of body nor in sameness of soul , but rather ‘sameness of consciousness’
- Consciousness creates personal identity
- There is a difference between a human and human identity
- Consciousness is enclosed in a spiritual substance
- Consciousness can be transferred from one soul to another and personal identity flies with consciousness
Quote for reincarnation by R F Goudey
“Reincarnation is essential to enable the soul to evolve to its divine life “
The Resurrection Body 1 Corinthians 15:40
“But the splendour of the heavenly bodies is one kind and the splendour of the of the earthly bodies is another”
The Resurrection Body 1 Corinthians 15:42
“The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable”
Cartesian dualism
- The mind is the place in which not the person experiencing them knows all feelings , sensations and thoughts
- The body performs all physical activities
- The mind and body are separate
- The mind and body interact and the mind can cause events to occur in the mind
Plato on dualism
- The soul was an entity in its own right and part of a person
- It does not take up any space and when you die it leaves the corpse and moves on
- The soul has instinctive knowledge
- If your soul leads you to a good life you will be content
- After life is waiting for everyone for those who have close affinity to the eternal goodness
- Inner conflict comes from the tripartite
What does Plato say the two functions of the soul are?
- Looking after best interests of the person
2. Ruling their actions deciding what those actions are to be
What did Plato say the three parts of the soul are ?
- Reason : wants knowledge and wisdom
- Emotion spirit : looks for honour , prestige , virtue
- Basic drives : bodily stimulation and satisfaction
Richard Dawkins on the soul and afterlife
- There is no pre-existent soul that is by nature divine
- Science has evidence so is reliable
- Belief in a soul is caused by inability to accept that evenly and suffering have no purpose
- The purpose of life is DNA survival
- Explains individuality as our Genesis working together to become aware of bad actions to ensure survival
- Believes human dignity is passed down through genetic code
Quote from Dawkins about the soul
“Robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes”
Hard materialism summary
- Not accept that an individual’s characteristics are nothing more than physical ones
- Any idea of consciousness is nothing more than brain activity
- When the body dies , so does the brain
Soft materialism
- Accepts that not all characteristics are physical ones
- Consciousness is more than just a brain process
- Mind and body are related and do not act independently of each other but the body often displays inner emotions
- We cannot do anything without our bodies so our personal identities must involve our body as without this we would not exist
- When the body dies so does the mind
Scientific support for materialism
Modern science has shown that there are links between the brain and body and therefore the mind cannot survive on its own
Plato’s allegory of the cave summary
- Believed that true reality existed beyond normal perceptions of the world
- The world we live in is a poor imitation of the real world
Aristotle /and the soul
- Did not believe in an afterlife or in the immortality of the soul
- The mind is the the thinking part of the soul efaeff
- Considered the soul to be part f the body which gave it life
- The body and soul are inseparable
- Not materialistic because he still believes these the body and soul are separate
Gilbert Ryle on the soul
- The idea of a soul was a category mistake in the use of language
- The soul is the way in which a person acts and integrates with the world , or is not something extra
Christian view on the soul
Most Christians cannot accept Cartesian dualism because the Bible presents a psychosomatic view of a person
•According to the Bible , God has created humans as a unity of mind , body and soul
• The soul is not a desperate nature from the body body but is the spark that gives life to the physical body
Aquinas and the soul
- Agreed with Aristotle
- The soul animated the body and gives it life
- Called the soul anima
- The soul operates independently from the body
- The body is able to survive death because only things with two parts decay
Quote from Aquinas in Summa Theologica
“The soul is what makes our body life”
Plato quote for dualism
“Good actions give strength to ourselves”
Plato on the souls pre existence quote
“We do not learn , and what we call learning is only a process of recollection”
Quote from Aristotle on the soul link with the body
“With most affections , the soul undergoes or produces none of them without the body “
What is Hicks replica theory ?
- The same person would both live and die after death if a perfect replica of the dead person was to be created in the afterlife
- He believed that Resurrection of the body is logically possible
How can Hicks replica theory happen ?
God is omnipotent . Death destroys us but God recreates us in another place
Hick quote on replica theory
“As a resurrected replica in a different world altogether”
What sort of substance is the mind according to Descartes ?
Non-corporeal whose essence is to think and so it takes up no space
Quote from Descartes on the soul
“I think therefore I am”