Ethics-Natural Moral Law Flashcards
The moral agent - The person involved with making an ethical decision
Beatific vision
The ultimate , direct , self-communication of God to humanity
Canon law
Ecclesiastical (Church ) law . In the Catholic tradition , especially given by the Pope
From Latin ‘casus’ meaning case, so case law. The Catholic manuals are compilations of casuistry
The approach to ethics in which the rightness or wrongness of an act is judged by the consequences
Cultural relativism
The view that a person’s moral beliefs should be judged in the context of their own culture
The approach to ethics in which the rightness or wrongness of an act is judged by it’s conformity to rules , duties and obligations
Intrinsic good
Something that is (ethically) good in and of itself
The teaching office of the Catholic Church , composed of the Pope and bishops , having the authority to lay down what is the authentic teaching of the Church
In the Catholic Church , the tradition of producing manuals for use in Catholic seminaries , to train clergy in applying NML to difficult cases
NML is held by many to give all humans certain entitlements ( e.g liberty) which result from their common human nature
In Catholicism , a school for training clergy
Sanctity of Life Principle
Based on Genesis 1:26-27 , that humans were created in the image of God from which Christian theologians deduced that human life is sacred
Refers to views of ethics where the emphasis is on the goal or purpose that and ethical approach is intended to achieve. In NML the primary precepts are teleological
A quality/ trait/ disposition in a person held to be of moral value
Proportionalism quote
” certain moral rules and that it can never be right to go against these rules, unless there is a proportionate reason” (Vardy+Grosch)
The main guiding principle of NML quote
“Good is to be done and pursued and evil is to be avoided. All other precepts of the natural moral law are based upon this” (Summa Theologica)
Quote for NML being human nature
“There will not be one law at Rome, another at Athens , one now , another later , but one law both everlasting and unchangeable will encompass all nations and for all right”(Cicero)
Quotes for NML changing with context
“Natural law is not changed but may be changed in some particular cases of rare occurrence” (Summa Theologica)
Quote for the telos of NML
“Therefore God alone constitutes man’s happiness” (Summa Theologica)
Primary precepts of NML
- W-worship God
- O-ordered society
- R-reproduction
- L-(preserve) life
- D-development of knowledge
Secondary precepts
Rules that govern how we should act in specific situations
The Doctrine of Double Effect conditions
1) The act must be morally good or at least neutral
2) The bad effect must not be the means by which the good effect is achieved
3) The intention must be good
4) The good effect must be at least equivalent in importance to the bad effect
The strength of NML
1) Establishes rules people can live by in an ordered society
2) Encourages some people to think of acts as intrinsically wrong
3) Realistic as it lets people make mistakes
4) Can be adapted for non-theists
The weaknesses of NML
1) The view we all share a common nature
2) Aquinas’ system does not help non-theists
3) Reject it’s legalistic approach
4) It can lead to immoral outcomes
Who is Aquinas ?
- 1225-1274
- Italian Theologian
- Part of the Dominicans
- Wrote Summa Theologica
NML four-fold division of law
1) Eternal Law-Comes from God’s nature
2) Divine Law - Can be found in special revelation
3) NML- Discovered from human reason
4) Human Law - e.g legal systems
Catholic NML today
- Still essentially Thomist
* Became deontological after 17th Century preference for morality
How to avoid mistakes in NML
1) Real and apparent goods
2) Following the virtues
Aquinas’ Cardinal Virtues
1) Prudence
2) Fortitude
3) Justice
4) Temperance
Aquinas’ three Christian Theological Virtues
1) Faith- belief in God and Scripture
2) Hope - of heaven and beatific vision
3) Love - of God above all things and love of one’s neighbour
Negatives if the Doctrine of Double Effect
- Many would say it does not matter what your intentions are because a good act is one which has good consequences
- Consequentialists would say an act should be judged on results
- Counter intuitive as it goes against people’s intuitions
Bible support from Natural Moral Law
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen , being understood from what has been made , so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20)
Support for Natural Moral Law in Romans 2:14-16
“Indeed , when Gentiles , who do not have the law , do by nature things required by the law , they are a law for themselves , even though they do not have the law”