Theology-Expressions Of Religious Identity Flashcards
Teaching : a summary of the principles of the Christian religion , given in question and answer style
(with a small c ) all - embracing , that is ‘the whole body of Christians world - wide
In the biblical sense, this refers to an agreement between God and humanity , as in the covenants with Adam, Noah , Abraham and Moses. The New Testament refers to the new covenant effected through Jesus
Believer’s baptism
Promoting unity among the different Christian Churches , for example , by services in which different denominations take part
The drive to promote unity between the different Christians Churches
The part of the Eucharistic prayer in which the presence of the Holy Spirt is invoked to bless the elements of bread and wine and those taking part
The breaking of the bread at the Eucharist , as a symbol of the breaking of Christ’s body on the cross
The bending of the knees or kneeling , as an act of reverence (for example , to God )
The pattern for worship used by a particular denomination , in line with its particular beliefs and tradition
Any form of law or instruction, for example, from Jesus , such as the instruction to his disciples to make disciples of all nations and baptise them . An ordinance also means a religious ceremony , sacrament ,statute or regulation
Infant baptism
Sacrament (Catholic )
A ceremony seen as imparting spiritual grace . In the RC Church there are seven sacraments .
Sacrament ( Protestant )
The main sacraments are the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and baptism
In the RC Church the change of substance by which the bread and wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist during mass become , literally , the body and blood of Jesus
Baptism summary
- The washing away of sins
- In Christianity goes to John the Baptist who baptised Jesus in the River Jordan
- Jesus saw this as spiritual and physical
- Jesus commanded his disciples to baptise people in the name of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit
Catholic Baptism
- baptism is a sacrament
- enables people to overcome the stain of original sin by re-enacting dying and rising again , and by joining the Church
- That is the main reason why Roman Catholics practice infant baptism
Baptist Baptism
- They do not believe in the sacraments
- Baptism is simply important as an ordinance from Jesus
- They practice credobaptism
Arguments in favour of infant baptism
1) It has sacramental value
2) Remedy for original sin
3) Signifies the start of life in the Christian Church
4) The Early Church seems to have practised infant baptism
5) Jesus may have approved because mothers brought their children to them in some stories
Arguments against infant baptism
1) Baptism is an ordinance that babies cannot understand
2) Jesus was 30 when he was baptised
3) Children cannot understand how to live in faith
4) The argument that the Early Church practised baptism is weak because they probably baptised adults
Roman Catholic Mass
- The focus of the mass in on transubstantiation
- Mass is celebrated as a sacrament by an ordained priest and only to those who are baptised
- Important sacrament
- The Mass is full of symbolism and mystery
Baptist Mass
- The focus is on the Bible
- Baptists celebrate the Lord’s Supper because it is an ordinance from Jesus
- Involves Bible readings and a sermon to explain them
- Conducted by a minister but can also be someone authorised from the congregation
- No belief in transubstantiation
Different understandings of the significance of Jesus’ actions at the Last Supper
- For Catholics and some CofE , Jesus was instituting a formal ritual based on the Jewish Passover Meal
- Catholics focus on transubstantiation and that means the sacrament has a special effect on the soul
- In the Baptist Church , Holy Communion has a lower status than baptism
- It is one ordinance among others from Jesus
The mission of the Church
- Evangelism
- Mission to the poor and disadvantaged
- Mission to the Christian community
Holy Communion
- For Roman Catholics it is a sacrament
- Protestants believe it is an ordinance
- Quakers and Salvation Army do not celebrate Holy Communion at all
- It has different names in different denominations