Philosohy - Evil and Suffering Flashcards
Quote from Mackie rejecting the FWD
“…why could he not have made men such that they always freely choose the good”
The logical problem of evil
•Expressed by the inconsistent triad
Counter factual hypothesis
If God interferes , then humanity cannot develop
St Ireneaus
An early Church Father and apologist. His writings were formative in the early development of Christian theology
Platinga’s defence of the FWD
- MSR1- God cannot eliminate evil without eliminating free will
- MSR2 - God allowed evil into the world because of the original sin
What in Genesis indicates that God must create evil as well as good ?
“…I make peace, and create evil : I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:7)
Bible quotes that support predestination
“It was not that this man sinned , or his parents , but that the works of God might be mad at manifest in him “ (John 9:1-3)
Mackie quote in God making better humans
“…there was open to him the obviously better possibility of making beings who would act freely but always go right “
Weakness of Hick’s theodicy
1) Does not solve the problem of animal suffering
2) Ends do not justify the means
3) Does not solve the evidential problem of evil
4) Does not match up to Christian thinking ?
Epistemic Distance
God keeps a distance from humanity in order not to overwhelm it
The view that all is in God: in Process Theology , that God is in the soul of the universe, so does not transcend the universe
The Bible describing the apocalyptic war in heaven between Michael and his angels and the evil forces
“…the great dragon…that ancient serpent , who is called the Devil and Satan , the deceiver of the whole world”
In the free will debate , this is the view that although some aspects of human existence are determined by biology , physics and chemistry , humans nevertheless have a degree of free will and so can be held morally responsible for their own actions
Strengths of the FWD
1) Platinga’s MSR 1+2 are logically possible
2) Logically impossible to create a world where people had free will but never made morally bad choices
3) A world with free creatures is more valuable than a world without
4) For some there is no enjoyment without risk
Free will
The idea that human beings are free to make their own choices in life
Natural evil
Problems in the natural world, which lead to tsunamis , earthquakes and famine
What would Hick say about the evils in this world ?
“I cannot imagine that I would ever conclude that the evils of life have been so treat that it would have been better if life had never emerged …”
Moral evil
The result of human action , such as murder or theft
What does Augustine say about evil?
It is a privation of good
What is Mackies’ rejection of FWD?
- It must have been logically possible for God to create the human race so everyone chose good
- God is either not omnipotent or does not exist
- The FWD is logically incoherent
What is Griffin’s Process theodicy
•Rejects creation out of nothing
2) The relationship between God and the universe is pantheistic
3) Evil is not from God but within God which he experiences
4) The evidential problem does not arise
Bible quotes for the future hope of heaven
“God … will wipe away every tear from their eyes , and death shall be no more , neither shall there be mourning nor crying … for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4)
Swinburne , The Existence if God
“If men are to have knowledge of the evil which will result from their actions of negligence , laws of nature must operate regularly”
The idea that God is above and beyond space-time as opposed to immanent , existing within space-time
The belief that God is all-loving
How do theodicies influence Christians in leading their lives ?
1) Some abandon philosophy for faith
2) Those who follow soul-deciding follow strict moral rules
3) Radical versions of Christianity
4) Some lose faith
5) Practical approaches like prayer
Casual determinism
The view that every event is determined by previous events and conditions and the laws of nature , so humans do not have free will
What does Hick say the original Augustinian theory is ?
“Utterly unacceptable”
John Hicks soul-making theodicy
- Humans are made imago Dei and through suffering move towards the likeness of God
- Soul-making since we will all be saved and go to heaven
- There must be an epistemic distance so that freedom will not be compromised
The belief that God knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen
Platinga on how Determinism and free will are not compatible
“It would be impossible to casually determine human actions and at the same time allow them to be morally free”
What does the revised standard version of Genesis say ?
“In the beginning of God’s creating the heavens and the earth, the earth being without form and void …”
Quote for the originals sin
“God allowed natural evil to enter the world as part of Adam and Eve’s punishment for their sin in the Garden of Eden” (Platinga)
Who is A.N Whitehead
- 1861-1947
- Fascinated by quantum mechanics
- Provided the background of Griffin’s Process Theodicy
A belief in a thousand year reign of Christ on earth , concluding with a universal resurrection , judgement and the consignment of the just to heaven and the damned to hell . These groups arise typically during times of intense suffering
Alvin Platinga on God having to allow evil
“ God could not eliminate much of the evil and suffering in this world without theyre by eliminating the greater good of having created persons with free will”
Quotes for the Inconsistent triad
“Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing ? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing ? Then whence evil ?” (Epicurus)
Genesis 1:31 , Bible
“God saw all that he had made , and it was good “
The Bible explaining even as caused by Satan ?
“We know that we are of God and the whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19)
What is the Inconsistent Triad ?
1) God is omnipotent
2) God is omnibenevolent
3) Evil exists
Determinism and free will are compatible where there are no external constraints on a person’s actions in which case a person is free to act within the constraints of their own motives and desires.
The belief that God is all-powerful
Weakness’ of Griffin’s theodicy
1) Without omnipotence he is not worth worship
2) Why did God start a process he carouse not control ?
3) Is life worth the pain ?
4) The victory against evil is not guaranteed so what incentive do humans have in joining the fight against evil ?
Strengths of Griffin’s theodicy
1) God is realistic and rejection of omnipotence seems realistic
2) He has scientific facts
3) The idea God suffers alongside us comforts humans
Inconsistent triad / Epicurean hypothesis
God is all-loving, all-powerful and all-knowing , yet evil still exists
What is the evidential problem of evil ?
1) The sheer extent of evil in the world and pointless evils
2) God’s omniscience shows he is aware of these evils
Platinga on the original sin
“God allowed natural evil to enter the world as part of Adam and Eve’s punishment for their sin in the Garden or Eden”
What is the Christian Free Will Defence ?
•God is justified as evil helps humans understand and prefer good
St Augustine
An early Christian Theologian and Philosopher , who was regarded as one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity
Strengths of Hicks theodicy
1) Evil is necessary for soul-making
2) Disregards the Doctrine of hell
3) Incorporates evolution as being part of the first stage of human development
4) Epistemic distance justifies evil