Theology-Good Conduct And Key Moral Principles Flashcards
A recognised branch of the Christian Church
Meaning power / power over , as in the debate about human dominion over the world
Double Predestination
God predestines some to the Kingdom through His grace but leaves others immersed in their sin to be condemned to hell
The approach to environmental issues focusing on establishing the right relationship between religion and nature. It stems from the perception that our current environmental problems are due in large part to religious misunderstanding
To do with the last days, that is, the last Judgement / God’s Kingdom
When applied to God , the doctrine that an all-knowing God knows the entire future , so knows from eternity who will accept the gift of grace and who will reject it. In the modern debate , the question whether or not God’s foreknowledge is casual - does it cause human actions ? If so , then there is a problem with the concept of predestination to heaven or hell
God’s grace is seen as the free gift of mercy to sinful humanity , for example , through the atonement made by the suffering and death of Jesus . According to Pelagius , God’s grace was the gift of free will to humans
Intrinsic value
Something that has value for its own sake, for example , human life in the Sancitity of Life Principle
Ius ad bellum
Latin for the laws / conditions under which it is legitimate to go to war
Ius in bello
Latin for the rules under which a war must be fought once begun
When used in ‘justification by faith ‘ and ‘justification by works’-Christians are counted as righteous before God on the basis of faith or by works , or by both
The view that all events have been willed by God from eternity , specifically the fate of the righteous and of the damned
As in the Sanctity of Life Principle : holy / sacred to God
Sanctity of Life Principle
The idea , based on the concepts of being made in God’s image and having (uniquely) a soul , that human life is sacred to God
Sola fide
Latin, refers to Luther’s doctrine of justification by ‘faith alone ‘
The view that ‘dominion’ over the environments should be understood as responsible human care for it , on the understanding that humans are answerable to God for their treatment of the environment
Justification by faith or works quote ( 1John 2:4)
“He who says ‘I know him’ but disobeys his commandments is a liar “
The concept of the sanctity of life
- Life is holy or sacred to God
- Human life has intrinsic value
- The principle can be weak or strong
The Just War Theory
- Mainly developed in Christian circles
* Mainly within NML tradition