Theme 3-Political Authority Flashcards
What are pogroms?
A violent riot with aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic group.
What proportion of Russias Population did Slavs comprise?
What was the Ukrianian secret society dedicated to promoting a national consciousness?
The Brotherhood of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
When did the Polish rebellion happen and how mnay Poles were involved?
1863 and 200,000 Poles.
In which years were decrees enacted that allowed the Baltic peoples to revert to Lutheranism, whereas before Orthodoxy was demanded?
1864 and 1875
When and what was the Ems Ukase?
In 1876, the Ems Ukase was passed prohibiting the use of the Ukrainian Language in publications or performances in order to suppress independence and national consciousness
When was the Pale of Settlement established?
What was Pobedonostsevs inflammatory, anti-semitic slogan?
Beat the Yids-Save Russia as well as later suggesting that 1/3 of Jews should emigrate, a 1/3rd assimilate, and a 1/3rd die
When and where did the Jewish pogroms begin?
April 1881 in Yelizavetgrad partly due to the belief that Jews had orchestrated the death of Alexander II
When was Pyotr Shuvalov appointed and what did he do
1866 and he strenghtened the police and increased the Third Sections (secret police) role with him at the head
What changed did Loris-Melikov make to Russia when appointed Minister for Internal Affairs
Released political prisoners, relaxed censorship, removed the salt tax and lifted zemstva restrictions
What proportion were Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian slavs of the Empires ethnic makeup
When was the Third Section abolished and why
1880-Loris Melikov deemed it too unorganized, too large of a backlog of cases and too inefficient and so dissolved it to be replaced by the Okhrana
When was the Finnish diet suspended
When was the polish national bank closed
Where was russification suprisingly also pursued heavily
In the loyal baltic german states, who haad been afforded great priviledge for loyalty under alex II
What was the punishemnt for attempting to convert an orthodox christian to another religion
exile to siberia
What proportion of russia’s provinces experienced mass unrest in 1888
61/92 or around 2/3rds
What to some degree, may have acted as inspiration for russification
the german empires cultural hegemony over central europe from 1870, and austria hungarys similar failure to suppress its culturally subversive elements, e.g. czech children
Whaat was one of the ramifications of the persecution of jews in tsarist russia
Opposition groups, including the bolsheviks were disproportionately comprised of jews, fur to their persecution