High Stalinism Flashcards
What happened to Zhukov, hero of ww2
He was demoted and sent to Odessa, losing his central committee status, possibly as Stalin saw him as a threat
What happened in 1948 and who supported and was against it
Berlin Blockade-Zhdanov for
Malenkov against
Between what years were party congresses simply not held, until Stalin wanted to choose a successor
1939 and 1952
Who were the ‘new men’ in the USSR
People who had grown up wit the party as a way of life, and came to dominate it, as opposed to the old guard and their overall loyalty to bolshevism
How many members did the party have in 1952
7 million
What was the Zhdanovschina
A cultural purge of the USSR; everything western was declared decadent and bourgeois. People condemned include Pasternak, Eisenstein and Shostakovich
Science was made to conform to Marxist princples, and dissenters were punished, and Lysenko was condoned after 1948
Why was Stalin scared of Russian prisoners returning from the west
Ideological contamination
How many wartime surviors were sent to Labour camps
12 million
What was the Leningrad case
In 1949, Stalin acted against the Leningrad party, who had always assumed some degree of autonomy. On flase charges, several of its leaders were arrested and some executed, including the head of gosplan
Why did Stalin revert to anti-semitism
Israel turned out to be pro-USA, and Stalin feared Russian jews may have an allegiance beyond the USSR
What was the Mingrelian case
A purge in Georgia beignning in 1951, against followers of Beria, perhaps aiming to weaken his power. Several were accused of collaboration with western powers.
When did Stalin suffer a stroke
What was the Doctors plot.
1952-9 high level Drs were accused of failing to diagnose and treat Zhdanov in 1948 when he died. In 1952, Stalin reopened the case and had them arrested, accusing them of a zionist conspiracy to kill soviet leaders. Persecution not just limited to the Drs, thousands of Russian jews were also persectued.
Where did Stalin spend most of his time post ww2
At his black sea Dacha.
What did it become customary for any academic writing to have post ww2
The first and last paragraphs dedicated to Stalins genius or interest in the subject matter.
What were Stalin prizes
USSR counterpart to the Nobel prizes
What happened at the 1952 party congress
Stalin asked to be relieved of command because of his age. He was refused as no one was sure what his true intentions were. He had made no effort to establish an heir.
Who were the ruling troika after Stalin died
Molotov-Foreign Minister
Malenkov-Prime Minister
Beria-Head of the NKVD
What was the politburo renamed in 1952