Challenge to Autocracy Flashcards
When did Nicholas II ascend to power?
1894, when Tsar Alexander III died
What was the Khodynka Tragedy?
Where 1400 men women and children were trampled to death having been offered free food and drinks during Nicholas II’s coronation in 1896
What was the effect of the great famine (1891-92) on Tsar Nicholas’ early government?
Governments role in causing the famine discouraged trustin the government
Bureaucratic and inefficient nature of autocratic government was made apparent
volunteer organisations which stepped in during the fallout of the famine undermined faith in the competence and capability of the Tsarist government to handle such crises
Greater Politicised society
Who were the black hundereds
A right wing, anti semitic organisation supported by the state in order to continue policies of russification under Tsar Nicholas II and promote Russian Orthodoxy and Culture
What were the Years of the red cockeral
a period from approximately 1902-1907 which marked a period of freat civil unrest, its name referring to the leaping flames which resembled a roosters comb
What was Pyotr Stolypins reputation when it came to civil unrest
Stolypin met civil unrest with further oppression, floggings adn mass executions, so frequent that the noose gained the nickname of “stolypins necktie”
How did Tsar Nicholas’ territorial ambitions in Asia undermine his regime
Lost to Japan so is obviously incapable
Lost entire black sea fleet in sea of japan at tsushima
lost port arthur
treaty of portsmouth
What was the Russo Japanese war
Russia and japan were both expanding their influence in manchuria, Japan attacked the Russian treaty port of Port Arthur in january 1904, he declared a short victorious war and promptly lost
Terms of the treaty of Portsmouth
Russia would recognise Japanese interests in Korea
Russia would cede control of Sakhalin to Japan
Russia would withdraw from Manchuria and cede their leased ports and railways
Russia was allowed to maintain control of the north Manchurian railway
What was Bloody Sunday
Folllowing the surrender of Port Arthur in december 1904, on january 9th 1905 father Georgi Gapon (leader of a government sanctioned union) lead strikers from the putilov iron works encouraged by the weakness of the government as mass unrest was encouraged by the military defeat to a nation that only began industrialisation 40 years prior.
they marched on the winter palace but Tsar Nicholas was not in residence and the palace guard killed 200 people. prompting further outrage
What was the Mutiny on the Potemkin
On June 14th 1905 Sailors on the Battleship Potemkin mutinied over a mouldy meat ration, they sailed to Odessa which attracted crowds who were promptly shot and 2000 were killed, with 3000 injured
Who was Grand Duke Sergei
The Tsars uncle who was assassinated in 1905 prompting Nicholas to agree to meet with workers representatives
What was the October Manifesto
As Russia neared collapse from separatist and peasant dissenters it was recognised that Russia was on the verge of Revolution reforms were considered, and one of the Tsars uncles threatened to shoot himself if this was not done
The manifesto on 17th october 1905 agreed to grant constitutional reform
Civic Freedoms such as personal rights amd freedom of speech, assembly and union.
The establishment of a state Duma
The right for this elective assembly to pass and approve laws
Did Tsar Nicholas ever have any intention of becoming a constitutional monarch?
Who could vote after the October Manifesto
Men over 25 with over 400 acres of land could vote directly, others were granted an indirect vote so the vote was heavily weighted in favour of the nobility.
What Rights did the Fundamental Laws Grant Tsar Nicholas
“It is ordained by God himself that the Tsar’s authority should be submitted to, not only out of fear but out of a genuine sense of duty”
he claimed the right to:
-Veto Legislation
-rule by decree in an emergency or when the Duma was not in session
-appoint and dismiss ministers
-dissolve the duma
-command Russia’s sea and land forces
-declare war and negotiate peace and control all foreign relations
-control military and household expenditure
-overturn verdicts and sentences given in court
-control the Orthodox Church
When was Vyacheslav Von Plehve assassinated
28 July 1904
When was Pyotr Stolypin assassinated
What offered a way to revitalise patriotism in Russia post Russo Japanese War
Pan Slavism and interests in Slavs in the Balkans to deflect from domestic issues
Why was the Russian Imperial Family viewed as weak
Tsar Nicholas was incompetent and had no clue of how to rule besides continue what alex III was doing, was also weak and effeminate and short and couldnt even rip a pack of cards in half or bench a trains roof like alex III and he was too dense to realise that he cant keep a 17th century form of governance while also wanting a modernised economy
Tsarina Alexandra was German and everyone thought the foreigner was pulling the strings and later on everyone thought the homeless magic man was pulling her strings
Tsarevich Aleksei was a weak heir who couldn’t firm Haemophilia