Theme 2- Output gaps & Business cycle (key terms) Flashcards
Trend growth
The long-term rate of growth - the potential rate of growth in the capacity of economy
Business cycle
When actual economic growth (AD) fluctuates around the long-term trend rate of growth
Seasonal adjustments
Estimates in which the element of variability due to seasonal influences, which may distort the data, has been removed. Affects data such as unemployment, retail sales and output from highly seasonal industries
Unexpected events that can affect both aggregate demand and supply e.g. unexpected changes in world oil prices
Short run economic growth
Short run growth is cyclical; the growth of real GDP is determined by aggregate demand (C+I+G+X-M) and also factors affecting short run aggregate supply (SRAS)
Exogeneous shock
An unexpected event beyond the control of the country’s officials that has a large negative impact on its economy
Negative output gap
When actual GDP is below estimated potential GDP
Output gap
Difference between actual and potential national output
Positive output gap
occurs when the actual level of output is greater than the potential level of output
A period of rapid economic expansion resulting in higher GDP, lower unemployment, rising inflation rates and rising asset prices
Used to describe a severe recession which may become a prolonged downturn and where a nation’s real GDP falls by at least 10 per cent
Double dip recession
When an economy goes into recession twice without a full recovery in between
When a sustained period of low aggregate demand can lead to permanent damage to the supply side of the economy, for example because of high long-term unemployment
The high point of the economic cycle beyond which a recession starts
A period of at least six months when real GDP decline - a contraction in output, employment, investment and confidence
A phase of the economic cycle, after a recession/depression, during which real GDP starts to increase and unemployment begins to fall
A sustained decrease in real GDP and a persistent rise in unemployment
The low point of the economic cycle beyond which a recovery starts
Soft landing
A slowdown in economic activity but which does not result in a recession
Inflows of capital from foreign multinationals (MNCs) including takeovers and tangible investment in new factories and technology
Non-inflationary growth
Sustained growth of real national output whilst maintaining price stability
Balanced growth
Occurs when output and the capital stock grow at the same rate. Also refers to balanced expansion of components of aggregate demand
Environmental economics
Studies the impact of environmental policies and devises solutions to problems resulting from them. The approach can either be prescriptive or incentive-based