Theme 2- Consumption (key terms) Flashcards
The consumption function
The relationship between real incomes, consumption, spending and disposable income
Average Propensity to Consume (APC)
This is an overall measure of the proportion of income households devote to consumption
Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)
This is a measure of how much of any increase in household incomes is consumed or spent
Marginal propensity to Withdraw (MPW)
This is a measure of how much any increase in household incomes is saved (MPS), taxed by government (MPT) or spent on imports from abroad (MPM)
Interest rates
The cost of borrowing and the reward for saving
The value of assets held by a household
This is a stock - whereas income is a flow concept
Wealth effects
The effect on a household’s consumption when your wealth rises or falls. When you have more wealth you will spend more.
Consumer confidence
A measure of how confident households feel about the economy. Higher consumer confidence usually leads to higher consumption
Consumer durables
Products such as washing machines or computer screens that are not used up immediately when consumed and which provide a flow of services over time
Household income
The financial resources available to households to spend or save:
* Original income: Income from jobs, private pensions, interest from savings
* Gross income = original income + cash benefits
* Disposable income = gross income minus direct taxes
* Post-tax income = disposable income minus indirect taxes
Negative equity
When the value of an asset falls below the debt left to pay on that asset - term is most commonly used in connection with property prices after a slump in house prices
Pension fund
Fund that pools employees’ pension benefits and holds them so that they can be paid at retirement.
- Invested in stocks, bonds and other assets to boost returns and ensure that there are sufficient funds to be paid out
Personal allowance
The amount of income you can earn before you start paying income tax. It is £12,500 in 2019
Precautionary saving
Saving because of fears of a loss of real income or rising unemployment
Unsecured credit
Credit not secured by another asset –i.e. money borrowed on credit cards