the workforce Flashcards
what is meant by workforce planning
the process used to plan the number and quality of employees that will be required both in the short and long term.
what is the impact and importance of workforce planning for a business and its stakeholders
recommend and justify a workforce plan for a business
what are flexible working practices
part-time flexi-time compressed hours home/ remote working annualised hours term-time working structured time of in lieu job sharing zero hours contract
what is part- time work
a part time contract is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. They work in shifts. The shifts are often rotational. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 hours per week.
what is flexi-time work
a working schedule that is outside of a normal working pattern. This means that the working hours, instead of being repetitive and fixed, can involve changes and variations. It can mean the employees has variations such as when they are required to work or even their place of work
what are compressed hours
an attempt to provide an alternative working week in terms of the number of days per week actually worked by employees. Assuming a ‘normal’ working week is usually 5 days, a compressed hours working week is often ‘compressed’ into 4 working days , albeit with the same number of hours per week
what is home/remote working
allowing the employees to work away from the business premises.
what are annualised hours
working so many hours per month as stated in your contract.
what is term-time working
working hours mirror term-time days. the employee will work as normal during term time, but will not work during the school holidays, which enables the employee to look after his or her child or children. the employee will still be classed as employed.
what is structured time off in lieu
firms may encourage structured time of in lieu, especially where there are peak and troughs for how busy a business may be.
Employees may be asked to work longer hours during busy periods with the number of additional hours being recorded to enable the employee to take time off in compensation during less busy periods. There may be some limits on the number of hours that can be ‘saved up’ in this way.
what is job sharing
some employees share a jobs in a morning- afternoon basis, while others share on a day to day basis
what is a zero hour contact
allow employers to hire staff with no guarantee of work. staff will only work when they are needed, which can be at short notice
evaluate the impact of flexible working practices on a business and its stakeholders
- it allows the employers to use the workforce when needed
- there is no need for employers to pay expensive overtime rates, therefore reducing costs and thus helping the business to remain competitive
- allows employees flexibility
- being ‘on-call’ may be restrictive for employees
- there is some uncertainty when the employees may be called
- the opportunity for employees to do overtime is usually lost
- there is an additional administrative cost for employers to calculate and operate such a system.
what is meant by recruitment
the recruitment process is vitally important to any business to ensure that staff levels are correct. finding the right person for a particular job can be expensive in terms of time and money.
what are the reasons for recruitment
- Maternity leave
- expanding business
- staff leaving
- retirement
- someone is fired.
what is the content and purpose of a job description
It sets out the job requirements. It depicts:
- the post
- who they would report to
- duties and responsibilities
what is the content and purpose of a person specification
sets out the ideal characteristics of the person to undertake the job. this may include:
- qualifications
- previous experience
- ability to work with a team
- willingness to travel
- able to work under supervision or independently
- ability to use initiative
- flexibility
what is the content and purpose of a job advertisement
the job advert must contain enough information to attract suitable applicants and deter unsuitable ones.
certain vital information must be included such as the tile of the job and any required qualifications. other information about the job can be put on a website or sent in the post.
the advert must be put in the right place to attract suitable applicants.
what is external recruitment
recruiting someone from outside of the business
what is internal recruitment
recruiting someone who is already in the business
what is the impact and importance of recruitment to a business and its stakeholders
what is the usefulness of documentation and methods of recruitment to a business and its stakeholders
what is meant by selection
the process of choosing who to hire to fill a job role
what is the content and purpose of application forms
make comparisons between applicants- making who to choose to interview easier
provide basic information on experience and qualifications
what is the content and purpose of curriculum vitae (CV)
the CV gives an overview in brief of an individual’s experience and qualifications , job history and other interest. this allows a list to be complied at people to look at more closely.
what is the content and purpose of testing
check knowledge and experience on what potential employees know
what is the content and purpose of interviews
An interview is regarded as the most successful method of finding the right person for a job. However, some people feel that the process is flawed and that decisions are made on first impressions rather than on facts. For example, it is thought by some people feel that the process is flawed and that decisions are made on first impressions rather than on facts. The judgement will be made on punctuality, confidence, handshake, appearance and ability to make conversation in the initial stages of meeting. The following factors are important for the business in the interview process:
- having the right number of people on the interview panel
- deciding beforehand what information is to be gathered
- making sure that the interviewee is put at ease and is not interrogated.
- allowing adequate time for the interview to take place
- giving the interviewee the opportunity to ask questions
what is the content and purpose of work trial
see how employees handle the job and they can see if they would be interested in doing the job.
what is the content and purpose of references
to check how potential employees acted in previous jobs. to check that they worked where they did
what is the content and purpose of letter of application
what is the usefulness of methods of selection to a business and its stakeholders
more likely to have qualified employees- improved productivity impacts Staff managers shareholders ETC
what is the impact of selection on a business and its stakeholders
what is meant by training
teaching employees how to complete their job roles.
what is on-the-job training
training is completed at the place of work
what is off-the-job training
training is complete elsewhere of sight by a specialist trainer
what is induction training
training you get when you first start a job. such as fire and emergency plans and health and safety
what is academic training
what is vocational training
what is a apprenticeship
working and learning at the same time. getting a degree and experience in a work place
what is meant by a training needs analysis (TNA)
training needs analysis. By undertaking a TNA a business can ensure that its workers are given the skills that they need to do their job effectively. In a TNA the business will collect information from workers, customers, managers and suppliers, as well as observing the way in which jobs are performed in different areas.
what is the importance of TNA to a business and its stakeholders
more trained workforce
- motivated staff- more productive
- customers get a better service/ product
what is the usefulness of methods of training to a business and its stakeholders
what is the impact and importance of training to a business and its stakeholders
what is meant by and the purpose of appraisal
a formal assessment of an employee’s performance
the purpose is to identify an employee’s strengths and weaknesses (so changes can be made)
what is managerial assessment
what is peer assessment
(one employees work) 0being assessed by work colleagues.
what is self assessment
an employee judges themselves on how they have been performing
what is 360° assessment
the appraisee receives feedback from several people
what is meant by target setting
what you want to achieve
what are measures of workforce performance
labour turnover
workforce productivity
how do you calculate lateness
total number of late arrivals X100
total number of scheduled attendances
how do you calculate absenteeism
total days absent in the month X100
total available working days in the month
how do you calculate labour turnover
number of employees leaving during the year
____________________________________ X100
average number employed during the year
how do you calculate productivity
output (per week/ month/ year)
average number of employees
how do you calculate holiday entitlement
how do you calculate performance related pay
what is the usefulness of measurements of workforce performance to a business
figures - used to back up arguments
figures can be shown to stakeholders
benefits employees in performance has improved
can be compared across years
averages can be misleading
not all departments employ the same number of people
a single figure in isolation is of limited use
numbers do not explain the situation
what is the usefulness of methods of appraisal for a business and its stakeholders
appraisal means that:
employees can build on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses
customers will therefore experience a better service / product
shareholders may get a larger dividend as staff will be more productive with changes meaning the businesses will have more income and in turn profit.
employee contribution to a business
what is meant by redundancy
a job that an employee used to perform no longer exists and so the employee is surplus to requirements?
what is meant by dismissal
dismissal is tellingsomeone that they are no longer allowed to work for the business (firing them)
A dismissal has to be justified to be fair if it is to be legal. (fair) dismissal can be in the terms of:
- gross misconduct
-gross negligence
also types of dismissal that can be justified as fair are
- repeated poor conduct
- incapacity
- capability
- redundancy
- some other substantial reason
what are reasons or fair dismissal
and other substantial reason
what is meant by capacity
what is meant by conduct
what is meant by redundancy
what is meant by unfair dismissal
what are possible reasons for unfair dismissal
trade union membership
whistle blowing
what is the procedure for dismissal
what is the procedure for grievance
what is the impact and importance of redundancy and dismissal to a business and its stakeholders
what is the effectiveness of dismissal and grievance procedures to a business and its stakeholders
what is meant by an employment tribunal
what is the purpose of employment tribunals