management Flashcards
what is meant by management
The process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
what are functions of management
- communicating
- controlling
- co-ordinating
- decision making
- evaluating progress
- leading
- motivating
- planning
what are constraints on management
- skills of the leader’s ability to lead and or motivate
- ability to make decisions
- strength of the leader and therefore ability to delegate
- other departments/ managers within the organisation
- structure of the organisation, whether centralised or decentralised
- nature of the market in which the business operates
- state of the economy (level of inflation/ unemployment/ growth balance of payments/ strength of the pound)
- objectives of the business
- level of unionisation
- amount of competition within the market
- budget of the business and subsequently the department in which the manager/ leader operates
what is meant by leadership
the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.
leadership theory- Carlyle and Galton
Their ‘trait theory’ concentrates on the traits exhibited by successful leaders or, the characteristics required of a leader.
The original thoughts suggested that the characteristics required of a good leader were attributes that such leaders had; they were not learnt.
Once these ideas were looked at in the 1980s, key characteristics of an effective leader were highlighted:
- motivational: the ability to motivate others
- integrity: showing a ethical approach
- self-confidence: being assured
- creative: new ideas
- intelligent: able to reason, and solve problems.
leadership theory-
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
the theory of how managers view employees.
A Theory X views employees as:
- lazy - disliking work and responsibility
- lacking the will to work unsupervised
- lacking initiative
- largely motivated by money
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
leadership theory
behavioural theory- Blake and Moulton’s managerial grid
contingency theory- Lewin’s
contingency theory-
contingency theory-
Schmidt’s behavioural continuum
functional theory-
Adair’s three circles
what is a autocratic leader
typical characteristics of an autocratic manager:
- sets the work and expects it to be performed precisely as directed
- does not involve employees in decision making
- very strict
- doesn’t believe in employee autonomy
- believes in top down communication and doesn’t encourage employee participation
- believes in close supervision
- thinks employees are solely motivated by money
what is a democratic leader
a typical democratic manager:
- encourages employee input into decision making
- believes in employee autonomy
- encourages two-way communication
- allows employees to use their initiative
what is a laissez-faire leader
typical characteristics of laissez-faire managers:
- is remote for employees
- provides very little direction for employees
- adopts a ‘let them get on with it’ approach
- often requires employees to set their own tasks and objectives