The Viscera Flashcards
Where is the stomach found in the body?
Left hypochondriac region
Mostly underneath the rib cage
What are the 2 orifices of the stomach and what do they connect to?
The cardia - to the oesophagus
The pylorus - to the duodenum
Where does the oesophagus go through the diaphragm and join the cardia?
Why do people get acid reflux and inflammation?
The lower part of the oesophagus is not protected
What are the parts of the stomach?
- Cardia
- Fundus
- Body
- Antrum
- Pylorus
What does the pyloric sphincter do?
- Surround the pyloric canal
- Control food into the duodenum
What are the anterior relations of the stomach?
- The left lobe of the liver
- Diaphragm
- Left costal margin
What are the posterior relations to the stomach? (stomach bed)
- Transverse colon
- Pancreas
- Spleen
- Splenic artery
- Aorta
- Terminal part of duodenum
- Left kidney
- Left suprarenal artery
Which blood vessels supply the lesser curvature of the stomach?
The right and left gastric arteries
Which blood vessels supply the greater curvature of the stomach?
The right and lest gastroepiploic arteries
What blood vessels supply the cardia end of the stomach? (where is joins the oesophagus)
The oesophageal branches of the left gastric artery
What are rugae and what do they do?
- Longitudinal folds within the stomach which become more regular along the lesser curvature of the stomach
- Direct food to the pyloric sphincter
- Allow expansion of the stomach
What is the oblique layer?
Extra muscle layer in the stomach compared to the intestines which helps to churn up food
What does the gastoroduodenal artery supply?
The pylorous
Proximal part of duodenum
What do the pancreaticoduodenal arteries supply?
The pancreas and the duodenum
What do the short gastric arteries supply?
The greater curvature of the stomach
Where do the pherenic arteries branch from and what do they supply?
The aorta
Supply the diaphragm
What is the mesocolon?
Connects the colon to the posterior abdominal wall
What is the blood supply to the pancreas?
The superior and inferior pancreaticodueodenal
Where does the head of pancreas lie?
In the C shape of the duodenum
Where does the body of the pancreas cross the midline?
What lies posterior to the body of the pancreas?
- Inferior vena cava
- Portal vein
- Aorta
- Superior mesenteric vessels
- Left kidney
- Left adrenal gland
What lies anterior to the body of the pancreas?
What lies posterior to the tail of the pancreas?
- Spleen
- Left kidney
What lies anterior to the tail of the pancreas?
The left splenic flexure
Where does the main pancreatic duct enter into the duodenum and what with?
Into the greater duodenal papilla with the common bile duct
What is the Ampulla of Vater and where does it open into?
Formed by the union of the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct -
Opens into the duodenum through the greater duodenal papilla
What is the spinchter of Oddi?
Controls the flow from the Ampulla of Vater through the main duodenal papilla
Where does the accessory pancreatic duct open into?
The duodenum, through the minor duodenal papilla (closer to the pylorus)
What is the uncinate process?
Process from the pancreas which hooks posteriorly to the superior mesenteric vessels - as they travel from behind the pancreas
What percentage endocrine and exocrine is the pancreas?
1% endocrine
99% exocrine
Examples of endocrine substances from the pancreas?
- Insulin
- Glucagon
Examples of exocrine substances from the pancreas?
- Amylase
- Lipase
- Peptidases
What marks the commencement of the jejunum from the duodenum?
The suspensory ligament of Trez
What is the blood supply to the liver?
Hepatic arteries
Where does the liver lie in the body?
On the right side
What is the foramen of winslow and where is it located?
- Located underneath the the liver, bound superiorly by the caudate lobe
- Communication between the lesser and greater omentum
What ensheaths the porta hepatis?
The lesser omentum
What is the porta hepatis?
Contains the hepatic artery, portal vein and bile ducts
What are the 4 lobes of the liver? Describe them
Right lobe - Large and domed
Left lobe - Smaller than the right
Caudate lobe - Dorsally on the right lobe
Quadrate lobe - between the fossa of the gall bladder and the round ligament
What is a ‘fossa’ in anatomy?
A depression or hollow
What are the relations of the upper surface of the liver?
- The diaphragm
What are the visceral relations to the liver?
- Abdominal oesophagus
- Stomach
- Duodenum
- Hepatic flexure
- Right kidney
What is the falciform ligament?
Attaches the liver to the body wall
Separates the liver into the right and left lobes superiorly
What is the ligamentum teres and where is it found?
The ‘round’ ligament
Attached to the falciform ligament at its free end
Remnant of the left umbilical vein
What is the ligmentum venosum?
Fibrous remnant of the ductus venous
Where is the gall bladder situated on the liver?
Between the right and quadrate lobes
What is the bare area of the liver?
Where the diaphragm is in direct contact with the liver - no peritoneum covering this part of the liver
What ligaments connect the liver to the diaphragm?
The right and left triangular ligaments
The right and left coronary ligaments
Where is the inferior vena cava located in regards to the liver?
Between the right and caudate lobes
What are the impressions on the right lobe of the liver?
What are the impressions on the left lobe of the liver?
What is the blood supply to the liver?
1) Hepatic artery propper (25%)
2) Hepatic portal vein (75%)
What does the hepatic portal vein bring to the liver?
Blood high in nutrients, from the:
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- GI tract
- Gall bladder and ducts
To be filtered by the liver
What does the portal triad consist of?
1) Hepatic portal vein
2) Hepatic artery propper
3) Bile ducts
Describe the structure of the liver (in regards to blood supply)
Made up of lobules - each with a central vein
Central vein receives blood from the liver sinusoids
Sinosoids contain the blood from the hepatic artery proper and the hepatic portal vein
What in the liver produces bile?
The hepatocyte cells in the liver, which are blocks of cells that radiate from the central vein
In what direction does the bile in the liver travel?
In the opposite direction to the blood - towards the portal triad, away from the central vein
Describe the biliary system
- Right and left hepatic ducts fuse in the porta hepatis to form the COMMON BILE DUCT
- CBM joins the pancreatic duct at the entrance into the duodenum through the main pancreatic duct
- Entrance guarded into the duodenum by the SPHINCTER OF ODDI
What is the gall bladder related to inferiorly?
Duodenum and transverse colon
What does the gall bladder do?
- Store bile produced by the liver - received thorough the common bile duct
- Concentrates bile by removing water
What is the cystic duct?
Duct from the gallbladder to the common bile duct
Where does the blood supply to the gallblader come from?
The cystic artery - branch from the right hepatic artery
Where does the spleen lie in the body?
In the left hypochondriac region
Beneath the 9th-12th ribs
What are the relations of the spleen?
Inferiorly - Splenic flexure of the colon
Posteriorly - diaphragm
Anteriorly - fundus of the stomach
Medially - Left kidney
What are the impressions on the spleen?
Renal (next to inferior margin)
What are 3, lateral, paired branches from the aorta?
1) Suprarenal
2) Renal
3) Testicular/ovarian
What are the terminal branches of the aorta?
Common iliacs
Median sacral artery
What are the 5 lateral, paired branches from the aorta to the parieties?
- Inferior phrenic artery
- 4 lumbar artery branches