The Tree of Life and The History of Life Cont. Flashcards
Radiometric dating
uses the decay of radioactive isotopes in fossils as a “clock” to date them
What are the four hypothesized processes that lead to the origin of life?
- The abiotic synthesis of small organic molcules (amino acids, bases).
- Abiotic synthesis of these small organic molecules into macromolecules.
- Packing of macromolecules into “protocells”.
- The origin of self-replicating molecules.
What is the order of key events in the history of life in the last 4.5 billion years?
Origin of the Solar System and Earth, Prokaryotes, Atmospheric oxygen, Single-celled eukaryotes, Multicellular eukaryotes, Animals, Colonization of land, and Humans
Cambrian explosion
many present-day animal groups appear suddenly as fossils formed 535-525 million years ago in the Cambrian period; possible causes: increased oxygen, increased genetic complexity of organisms, climate change
What were the first forms of life and first animals to colonize land?
First forms of life: fungi and plants
First animals: Arthropods followed by vertebrates
Continental drift
movement of tectonic plants on the surface of the earth; reconfigures landmasses of earth throughout geological history and cause extinction of animals
occurs when habitats and environments change in a way that is unfavorable for the organisms living there; natural feature of life-no species lasts forever
How many mass extinctions have there been?
Adaptive radiations
periods of rapid formation of new species whose adaptions allow them to fill diff. ecological roles
What were the ancestors of primates?
rodent-like ancestors that lived an arboreal lifestyle (similar to squirrels) around 65 MYA
clade that includes modern and extinct humans, arose 5.5 MYA; key diff. from other primates: smaller canine teeth, bipedalism, loss of grasping feet, larger brain, tool making/use
Given that evolutionary processes can act by chance (genetic drift) or by natural selection. True or False: Evolution is a “linear”, goal-oriented, sequence of events.
impressions of prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock
early, simple precursors to cellular organisms
a calcareous mound built up of layers of lime-secreting cyanobacteria and trapped sediment, found in Precambrian rocks as the earlies known fossils, and still being formed in lagoons in Australasia
symbiosis in which one of the symbiotic organism lives inside the other; reason why mitochondria and chloroplasts are in eukaryotes)