Speciation and Hybridization Flashcards
Allopatric speciation
formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another; geographic separation creates two populations of the same species who are isolated from each other and as a result, no genetic exchange can occur between them; can occur when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations (vicariance) or when individuals colonize a remote area (dispersal)
Sympatric speciation
formation of new species in populations that live in the same geographic area; occurs if gene flow is reduced by polyploidy, sexual selection or habitat differentiation
the geographical separation of a population, typically by a physical barrier such as a mountain range or river, resulting in a pair of closely related species
an individual that has more than two chromosome sets that are all derived from a single species
a fertile individual that has more than two chromosome sets as a result of two different species interbreeding and combining their chromosomes
Which of the following could facilitate allopatric speciation?
Mountain range
Ocean strait
All of the above
All of the above
accidents during cell division that can cause presence of extra sets of chromosomes; can form a new species within a single generation w/o geographic separation; Ex: oats, cotton, potatoes, tobacco, and wheat are all polyploids
Sexual selection
can drive sympatric speciation; Ex: speciation of cichlids in Lake Victoria was likely driven by female mate choice based on male breeding coloration
Which type of reproductive barrier prevents the breeding among the seedeater species?
Habitat isolation
Reduced hybrid viability
Behavioral isolation
Temporal isolation
Behavioral isolation
Habitat differentiation
sympatric speciation can also result from the exploitation of new habitats or resources; Ex: apple maggot flies evolved in North America after switching hosts from hawthorn to apple
Punctuated equilibria
in the fossil record, long periods of apparent stasis, in which a species undergoes little or no morphological change, interrupted by relatively brief periods of sudden change
What is the average time between speciation events?
6.5 million years
result of mating between species w/ incomplete reproductive barriers
Hybrid zone
a region in which members of different species mate and produce hybrid offspring; typically located wherever habitats of interbreeding species meet
What happens when geographically isolated species come back into contact?
Reinforcement, fusion, stability, or hybrid speciation