Species Concepts and Speciation Flashcards
process by which one species splits into two species
consists of changes in allele frequency in a population over time aka population genetics
refers to broad patterns of evolutionary change above the species level (i.e., the origin of mammals or flowering plants, correspond to a series of speciation events)
How do new species originate from existing species?
Over time, populations of a single species connected by gene flow can diverge genetically, giving rise to a new species.
basic unit of classification and a taxonomic rank of an organism, as well as a unit of biodiversity
What is the classification of life?
Biological species concept
emphasizes reproductive isolation; a species is a group of population whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature, produce viable, fertile offspring, and do not produce viable, fertile offspring w/ members of other such groups
Reproductive isolation
when biological barriers impede members of two species from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring; limit formation of hybrids and therefore gene flow between forming species; can act before or after fertilization of hybrids
The biological species concept relies on the disruption or impediment of which aspect of population genetics?
Gene flow
Genetic drift
Genetic flow
Prezygotic barriers
block fertilization from occurring by impeding different species from attempting to mate, preventing the successful completion of mating, or hindering fertilization if mating is successful; Ex: habitat isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation, mechanical isolation, and gametic isolation
Habitat isolation
two species that occupy different habitats within the same area may encounter each other rarely, if at all; Ex; apple maggot flies are isolated from blueberry maggot flies because they feed and lay eggs on different fruits
Temporal isolation
species that breed at different times of the day, in different seasons, or different years cannot mix their gametes; Ex: western spotted skunks mate in summer and eastern spotted skunks mate in winter or sunflower populations from the coast of Texas flower earlier than those found inland
Behavioral isolation
courtship rituals and other behaviors unique to a species are effective barriers to mating; Ex: many species, including blue-footed boobies, mate only after a unique courtship display
Pollinator isolation
species of plant that attract different types of pollinators have a barrier to reproduction; Ex; the flowering plant species Mimulus lewisii and M. cardinalis are pollinated by bees and hummingbirds respectively
Mechanical isolation
mating is attempted, but morphological differences prevent its successful completion; Ex: genital openings of snails in the genus Bradybaena do not align if their shells spiral in opposite directions