Species Interactions & Species Diversity Flashcards
An assemblage of species living in close enough proximity for potential interaction; has emergent properties: species diversity, tropic structure, stability over time
Interspecific interactions
Interactions between species; can be positive, negative or neutral; Competition (-/-), Exploitation (+/-), Mutualism (+/+), Commensalism (+/0)
An antagonistic interaction that occurs when species compete for a resource that limits survival and reproduction; resources must be in short supply for it to occur; mechanisms: exploitative or interference
An ecological interaction in which individuals of one species benefit by feeding on (and thereby harming) or using individuals of the other species. Exploitative interactions including predation, herbivory, and parasitism
Aggressive encounters among individuals shape resource access
Competitive exclusion
The concept that when populations of two similar species compete for the same limited resources, one population will use the resources more efficiently and have a reproductive advantage that will eventually lead to the elimination of the other population
Ecological niche
The sums of an organism’s use of biotic and abiotic resources; it can be thought if as an organism’s ecological role
Resource partitioning
Differentiation of ecological niches, enabling similar species to coexist in a community
Fundamental niche
The entire set of conditions under which a species can survive and reproduce itself (potentially)
Realized niche
The set of conditions actually used by given species, after interactions w/ the other species (predation and especially competition) have been taken into account
Character displacement
A tendency of characteristics to be more divergent in sympathetic populations of two species than in allopathic populations of the same species
The occurrence of populations of related organisms in separate, non-overlapping geographic areas such that members fail to encounter one another; ranges do not overlap
The term used to describe populations, varieties, or species that occur in the same place at the same time; ranges overlap (co-occur)
Interspecific competition can result in:
Resource partitioning
Character displacement
All of the above
All of the above
An antagonistic exploitative interaction (+/-) in which one species, the predator, kills and eats the other, the prey