Species Interactions & Species Diversity Cont. Flashcards
Species diversity
Variety of organisms that make up a community
Trophic structure
Feeding relationships between species
Species richness
number of diff. species in a community
Relative abundance
the proportion each species represents of all individuals in a community
Shannon density index (H)
An index that is commonly used to characterize species diversity in a community; H=-(pAlnpA + pBlnpB + pClnC+ …)
Why is it important to characterize the species diversity of communities?
Diverse communities are more productive and more stable in their productivity, better able to withstand and recover from environmental stresses, and more resistant to invasive species
Species area curve
The relationship between the area of a habitat and the # of species found within that habitat; larger area=more species; S=cA^z (S=# of species, A=area, z=how many more species should be found as area increases; the far away the species is from the mainland the less there are
When can an equilibrium be reached?
It is reached when the rate of immigration is equal to the rate of extinction
Latitudinal diversity gradient
Species richness is especially great in the topics and generally declines in a gradient towards the polls; affected by evolutionary history and climate
“Tropics as cradle” model
Tropical environments may have greater species richness because there has been more time for speciation to occur; - parabola
“Tropics as museums” model
Temperate and polar communities may have less species richness because they have “started over” repeatedly following glaciations; + parabola
Evaporation of water from soil plus transpiration of water from plants (sunlight + precipitation); tends to be greater in tropics; correlated w/ species richness
Disease causing microorganisms that alter community structure locally and globally
An event, such as a storm or fire, flood, drought, or human activity that changes a community by removing organisms from it or altering resource availability
What do you think: Communities can maintain the highest species diversity when disturbance is: