The tale of a doctor who defied death Flashcards
verb : to make several quick, explosive sounds

The car ————ed to a halt.
- sputter
adjective : not showing emotions or thoughts and therefore very difficult to understand or get to know:

an ————- face/expression/smile
- inscrutable
noun : If you get a ——- of something or someone, you see them for a very short time.
anlık bakış, gözatma
He caught/got a ——— of her as she got into the car.
verb [T] : to see something or someone for a very short time
gözüne ilişmek, gözüne takılmak
She ———-ed him out of the corner of her eye.

- glimpse
verb : to become smaller or less

azalmak, küçülmek
The number of students in the school has ————d to 200.
Our savings slowly ———-d away.
———-ing supplies of oil.
- dwindle
phrasal verb : to gradually reduce the size of something or the number of people in a group:

We had 80 applicants for the job, but we’ve ———d them ——— to six.
- whittle (sth) down
noun : a piece of string in the centre of a candle, or a similar part of a light, that supplies fuel to a flame

- wick
verb : to shake slightly, often because of strong emotion:
titremek, ürpermek
Lennie’s bottom lip ———-ed and tears started in his eyes.

- quiver
adjective : sad because the person you love does not love you:

He was moping around like a ———- teenager.
- lovesick
adjective : very serious
çok ciddi, vahim, ağır başlı, vakur
———- doubts
a ———- mistake
———-ly : adverb
ciddi bir şekilde

- grave
adjective : very angry

çok kızmış, öfkeli, sinirli, çılgına dönmüş
- livid
to organize or arrange something
idare etmek, düzenlemek
The fund is ————ed by the Economic Development Agency.
MEDICINE formal :to give medicine or medical help to someone
birine tıbbi yardımda bulunmak
to ———— first aid

- administer
adjective : happening or moving quickly
çabuk, tez, hızlı
a ——- response
———-ly : adverb
süratli bir şekilde

- swift
verb : to make someone believe something that is not true

aldatmak, düzen kurmak, hile yapmak
The company ————-d customers by selling old computers as new ones.
- deceive
verb : to stay somewhere for a long time

oyalanmak, uzun süre kalmak, eğlenmek
The smell from the fire still ———ed hours later.
- linger
verb : If a wound or broken bone heals, it becomes healthy again, and if something ——-s it, it makes it healthy again.
iyileş(tir)mek, düzel(t)mek
The wound on his head had begun to ——-.
———er : noun [C]: someone who makes sick people well again using something such as prayer or magic
üfürükçü, şaklaban, sahtekâr

- heal
verb : ——- from/through, etc
to gradually move through the air
havada yayılmak/dağılmak
The smell of coffee ——ed through the room.

- waft
noun : an illness

Treat minor ———-s yourself.
- ailment
adjective : rough and twisted, usually because of being old

boğumlu, budaklı, bükümlü, çarpık çurpuk, yamru yumru
a ———- tree trunk
- gnarled
verb : ——— into/out/outside, etc
to leave a safe place and go somewhere that may involve risks
tehlikeye atılmak, riske girmek, göze almak, kalkışmak
If the snow stops I might ——- out.
[T] : to be brave enough to say something that might be criticized
her şeye rağmen söylemek, cüret gösterip ifade etmek
I didn’t dare ——— an opinion.

- venture
adjective : TWISTED (also ——— up)
twisted together in an untidy way
karma karışık olmuş; kör düğüm olmuş, arapsaçına dönmüş
The wires are all ————.
CONFUSED : confused and difficult to understand
karma karışık, anlaşılması güç
—— finances
be ———— up in/with sth : to be involved in something unpleasant or complicated that is difficult to escape from
dolanmak/dolaştırmak; dolandırmak/dolaşmak

- tangled
verb : to make someone responsible for doing something or looking after something

güvenmek, itimat etmek, emanet etmek, havale etmek
[often passive] I was ———-es with the task of organizing the party.
- entrust
verb : to think carefully about something

üzerinde kafa patlatmak, düşünüp taşınmak
[+ question word] He ———-ed what might have happened if he hadn’t gone home.
- ponder
noun : a small, simple building, often made of wood

kulübe, baraka
a mountain ——
- hut
adjective : A ———- building is in very bad condition.

köhne, harap; külüstür, viran
- ramshackle