Patricia Ryan: İngilizce'de ısrar etmeyin! Flashcards
noun: B1 a plant that is used in cooking to add flavour to food or used in medicines
şifalı ot/bitki
——- adjective
But it was she who ended up learning all the Arabic words for the local plants, as well as their uses medicinal uses, cosmetics, cooking, ———.

- herb
adjective: If something is ————-, everyone agrees about it.

kuşkusuz, kesin, su götürmez, tartışmasız, kesin, mutlak
English is the ————— global language.
- undisputed
adverb: despite that

yine de, bununla beraber, buna rağmen, mamafih
I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting ————-.
But ———-,
- nevertheless
verb: [T] to give someone the confidence, skills, freedom, etc to do something

yetki vermek/tanımak; yetkilendirmek; güven kazanmasını sağlamak
We were brought to teach English because the government wanted to modernize the country and to ———- the citizens through education.
- empower
verb: to gradually change, or change someone or something, from one thing to another:

Yavaşca ve kademeli değişmek
Now this is the major change that I’ve seen how teaching English has ————ed from being a mutually beneficial practice to becoming a massive international business that it is today.
- morph
noun: B1 all the subjects taught in a school, college, etc or on an educational course

öğretim/müfredat programı/izlencesi;
No longer just a foreign language on the school —————-, and no longer the sole domain of mother England,
- curriculum
adjective: ONLY
tek, yegâne, biricik
No longer just a foreign language on the school curriculum, and no longer the ——- domain of mother England,

- sole
adjective: relating to language or linguistics
dille/dilbilimle ilgili
Now can it be right to reject a student on ———- ability alone?

- linguistic
noun: MEDICINE : something that makes someone with an illness healthy again
Now let me put it this way: if I met a monolingual Dutch speaker who had the ——- for cancer would I stop him from entering my British University?
SOLUTION : a solution to a problem
çözüm, çare, ilaç, derman

- cure
adjective: not based on a system or principles and often seeming unfair
keyfi, isteğe göre düzenlenen, rastgele
This system equates intelligence with a knowledge of English, which is quite ————.

- arbitrary
a good example of something

bahse konu olan mesele, örnek
Supermarkets often charge too much for goods. Bananas are - —— — ——-.
- a case in point
adjective [always before noun] : LEARNING : intended to help people who are having difficulty learning something
geliştirici, yetiştirici, yardımcı
He, by the way, was considered ———- at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic.
IMPROVE formal : intended to improve something
iyileştirici, tedavi edici, şifa verici, düzeltici
———— action is needed.

- remedial
adverb : B1 happening because of good luck
Allahtan, neyse ki; iyi ki; bereket versin
But ——— for the world, Einstein did not have to pass an English test.
→ Opposite un—————

- fortunately
adjective : If the cost of something is ———, it is too expensive for many people.

aşırı, fahiş, çok yüksek, yanına yaklaşılmaz
“Those fees aren’t bad, they’re okay,” but they are ————— to so many millions of poor people.
- prohibitive
noun : B1 an amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a service

“Those ——-s aren’t bad, they’re okay,” but they are prohibitive to so many millions of poor people.
- fee