Celeste Headlee: Daha İyi Konuşmanın 10 Kuralı Flashcards
phrasal verb with
to give power or responsibility to a person or organization at a lower or more local level
yetkiyi/sorumluluğu daha alt düzeydeki birine/kuruma vermek, aktarmak
So this world that we live in, this world in which every conversation has the potential to —— into an argument,

- devolve
adjective : small and not important

önemsiz, değersiz, sıradan
a —— matter/offence
Our politicians can’t speak to one another and where even the most —– of issues have someone fighting both passionately for it and against it, it’s not normal.
- trivial
noun : an agreement to accept something which is not exactly what you want

uzlaşma, uyuşma, anlaşma, orta bir yol bulma
We need to reach a ——- over this issue.
We’re less likely to ——-, which means we’re not listening to each other.
- compromise
adjective : CAREFUL THOUGHT : A ——- argument, plan, etc is clear, and each part of it has been carefully considered.
tutarlı, ahenkli, kolay anlaşılır, bağdaşık, mantıklı
UNDERSTAND : If someone is ——-, you can understand what they say.
anlaşılır, tutarlı, mantıklı
Is there any 21st-century skill more important than being able to sustain ——–, confident conversation?”

- coherent
verb : to move your head up and down as a way of agreeing, to give someone a sign, or to point to something
başını sallayarak olumlu cevap vermek; başıyla tasdik etmek/onaylamak
They —-ded enthusiastically at the proposal.
Barbara —ded in approval.
noun [C]: kabul etme anlamında başını öne doğru sallama
He gave a —– of approval.

- nod
to speak or write and give your opinion about something as if you knew everything about it and as if only your opinion was correct:

Ahkam kesmek.
Don’t ————-.
- pontificate
an expert in a subject who often gives their opinions on television, radio, etc

bilgin, âlim, üstat
Now, there’s a really good reason why I don’t allow ———-s on my show.
- pundit
not trusting sudden changes or new ideas

tutucu, muhafazakâr
If they’re ————, they’re going to hate Obama and food stamps and abortion.
- conservative
a medical operation to end a pregnancy when the baby is still too small to live

If they’re conservative, they’re going to hate Obama and food stamps and ————-.
- abortion
to save something, usually time or money, for a special purpose

ayırmak, bir kenara koymak
And sometimes that means —ting —- your personal opinion.
- set aside
easy to hurt or attack physically or emotionally

ruhsal ve fiziksel olarak kolaylıkla incinebilir/kırılabilir/yaralanabilir
He said that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will become less and less —— and more and more likely to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to the listener.
- vulnerable
NOT WORKING [C, U] : a time in the day or in the year when a parliament or law court is not working
meclis tatili, adlî tatil; mola; ara
The court is in —– for thirty minutes.
SCHOOL : a period of free time between classes at school
teneffüs, ara, mola
At — the boys would fight.
WALL [C] : a part of a wall in a room that is further back than the rest of the wall
girinti, niş, derinlik
He said that sensing this acceptance, the speaker will become less and less vulnerable and more and more likely to open up the inner ——es of his or her mind to the listener.

- recess
to be very careful instead of taking a risk or making a mistake

risk almamak/hata yapmak yerine dikkatli olmak; itinalı/özenli/dikkatli olmak
It’s not considered serious, but team officials will — — —- —- – ——
- err on the side of caution
verb [T]
to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing
bir tutmak, eşit saymak
Don’t —- your experience with theirs.

- equate
adjective SEPARATE [always before noun] : considered separately from other things in a group
kişisel, ferdî, şahsi,
All experiences are ——.
FOR ONE : given to or relating to one particular person or thing
bireysel, tek kişilik, özel
We deal with each case on an ——- basis.

- individual