Kronik stress Flashcards
verb : FROM DEAD PERSON : to receive possessions or money from someone who has died
miras olarak almak
In 1842 he ———-ed a small estate near Liverpool.
QUALITY : to have the same physical or mental characteristics as one of your parents or grandparents
kalıtım yoluyla geçmek, aileden gelmek
Miranda has —————ed her father’s red hair.
———able : kalıtsal, miras olarak kalabilir

- inherit

adjective : not giving enough care or attention to a job or activity, especially where your actions affect someone else

ihmalkâr, dikkatsiz
The report found him ———— in his duties.
- negligent

verb formal : ENCOURAGE : to encourage or support the development of someone or something
destek olmak, gelişmesine yardımcı olmak, teşvik etmek
He was an inspiring leader who ———-d the talents of his colleagues.
LOOK AFTER : to look after, feed, and protect young children, animals, or plants
bakmak, büyütmek, ilgilenmek, beslemek, yetiştirmek
The rains ———d the newly planted crops.

- nurture

verb : ——— havoc
to cause a lot of damage or harm
çok fazla zarar ve ziyana sebebiyet vermek
Floods have ———ed havoc in central Europe.

- wreak

adjective : if someone is ———, they are often unfriendly because they feel angry or unhappy.
huysuz, aksi, ters, mutsuz, küskün; günü gününe uymayan
————ily : adverb : aksi bir şekilde
————iness : noun : aksilik

- moody