Lera Boroditsky: Dil, düşünce şeklimizi nasıl etkiliyor? Flashcards
verb :MAKE NOISE [I] to make a long noise like the letter ‘s’
tıslamak, tıs diye ses çıkarmak, ssss etmek
The gas —–ed through the pipes.
SPEAK [T] to speak in an angry or urgent way
tıslayarak konuşmak/fısıldamak
“Will you be quiet,” she —–ed.
noun [C] a sound like the letter ‘s’ tıssss, ssss,
I’m making tones and ——s and puffs, and those are creating air vibrations in the air.
- hiss
verb :BREATHE [I] to breathe fast and with difficulty, usually because you have been doing exercise
solumak, soluk soluğa kalmak, nefesi kesilmek
SMOKE [I, T] to smoke something
içmek, tüttürmek
to —– on a cigarette
I’m making tones and hisses and —–s, and those are creating air vibrations in the air.
- puff
noun :plural ——- a sea creature with a clear body that may sting you (= put poison into your skin)
“Imagine a ——- waltzing in a library while thinking about quantum mechanics.”
- jellyfish
verb :to dance a ——
vals yapmak, vals dansı yapmak
—— in/off, etc : to walk somewhere quickly and confidently, often in a way that annoys other people
başkalarını rahatsız etme derecesinde kendine güvenir bir şekilde yürümek
You can’t just —— into my bedroom - it’s private!
“Imagine a jellyfish ——ing in a library while thinking about quantum mechanics.”
- waltz
verb :to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain
tahminde bulunmak, tahmin yürütmek, mütalâa etmek
The police refused to ——- about the cause of the accident.
People have been ——-ing about this question forever.
- speculate
noun :ACTIVITY [C, U] B2 an activity in which you make something using a lot of skill, especially with your hands
zanaat, al sanatı, beceri
traditional ——s such as weaving
“To have a second language is to have a second soul” strong statement that language ——s reality.
VEHICLE [C] plural craft a boat
gemi, tekne
- craft
Ancak yakın zamana kadar
— —– ——-, there hasn’t been any data to help us decide either way.
- But until recently
verb :WELCOME B1 to welcome someone
selamlamak, karşılamak, selam vermek
He ——ed me at the door.
REACT to react to something in a particular way
karşılamak, tepki verilmek/almak
[often passive] His story was —–ed with shrieks of laughter.
So imagine as you’re walking around your day, every person you ——, you have to report your heading direction.
- greet
noun :SUGGESTION [C] B2 something you say that suggests what you think or want, but not in a direct way
He dropped (= made) several —-s that he wanted an MP3 player for his birthday.
ADVICE [C] a small piece of advice
tavsiye, salık, öğüt, yararlı bilgi
The magazine gives lots of useful —–s on how to save money.
a —- of sth : a small amount of something
emare, iz, belirti
There was a —– of anger in her voice.
Let me give you ——-.
- hint
verb :TREAT UNFAIRLY to treat someone unfairly because of their sex, race, religion, etc
(cinsiyet, ırk, din vb.) ayrım/ayrımcılık yapmak, ayırt etmek
The company was accused of ——-ing against people on the basis of age.
NOTICE to notice a difference between two things
ayırmak, fark görmek
Police dogs are very good at ——–ing between different smells.
When we test people’s ability to perceptually ——— these colors, what we find is that Russian speakers are faster across this linguistic boundary.
- discriminate
noun : a strange habit
garip davranış, acayip huy
My aunt has a few odd ——s.
Languages have all kinds of structural ——s.
——y adjective :strange
garip, tuhaf, acayip
a —–y sense of humour
- quirk
adjective : MEN having qualities that are typical of men
erkeğe ait/özgü, eril
a —— appearance/voice
Lots of languages have grammatical gender; every noun gets assigned a gender, often —— or feminine.
GRAMMAR in some languages, belonging to a group of nouns or adjectives that have the same grammatical behaviour.
The other groups are ‘feminine’ and ‘neuter’.
bazı dillerde aynı dilbilgisi özelliğini gösteren bir grup isim ve sıfata ait
- masculine
adverb : in the way that you would expect someone or something to be, do, behave, etc., even though this idea is often wrong:
Brendan is a ——— disheveled academic.
German speakers are more likely to say bridges are “beautiful,” “elegant” and ——– feminine words.
- stereotypically
noun : someone who behaves in a crazy way
deli, kaçık, fıttırık, üşütük, kafadan çatlak kimse
He drives like a ——.
Now, in lots of languages, you couldn’t use that construction unless you are a ——- and you went out looking to break your arm and you succeeded.
- lunatic
noun : the result of an action or situation, especially a bad result
sonuç, netice
If you make him angry, you’ll have to suffer the ——–s.
Now, this has ———-s.
of little/no ——– formal : not important
önemsiz, ehemmiyetsiz
The money was of little ——– to Tony.
- consequence