COVID-19 Flashcards
verb : to vomit

*They don’t make you ——, they don’t make you bleed from the eyeballs, they don’t make you hemorrhage.*
- puke
noun : the time when something unpleasant and difficult to control starts, such as a war or disease

patlak verme, ortaya çıkma, baş gösterme
*an ———- of flu/fighting*
*And that range of symptoms is one of the reasons it’s actually been so hard to track this ———-.*
- outbreak
verb : to officially end something, especially a law or system
kanun veya bir sisteme son vermek, yürürlükten kaldırmak
*The slave trade was ———-ed in the US in 1808.*
———-tion : noun [U]
*the ———-tion of slavery*

- abolish
noun : a fact that a lot of people are talking about although they do not know if it is true

dedikodu, söylenti, şayia
*to spread ———-s
to deny ————-s
[+ (that)] I heard a ———- that you were leaving.*
- rumour
verb : to hide something
gizlemek, saklamak
*The listening device was ———-ed in a pen.
She could barely ———— her irritation.*
—————ment : noun [U]
the act of hiding something
gizleme, saklama

- conceal
noun [no plural] : a special skill, or the ability to use or do something easily

hüner, marifet, yetenek, beceri, ustalık
*a ——— for remembering faces
She has the ———— of making people feel comfortable.*
- knack
noun, verb
US spelling of plough
saban, pulluk; sürmek; toprağı alt üst etmek

- plow