Teknoloji Neden Beşeri Bilimlere İhtiyaç Duyar Flashcards
adjective : extremely large
devasa, oldukça büyük, muazzam
—— amounts of money
- colossal
noun : the money that you spend on something
You have to pay your own medical ——-s.
He eventually found her the car she wanted, at great ——- (= it costhim a lot of money).
at the —— of sth : If you do one thing at the expense of another, doing the first thing harms the second thing.
He spent a lot of time at work, at the ——– of his marriage.
at sb’s ——– : If you do something at someone’s expense, they pay for it.
…nın/nin hesabına
We went on holiday at my father’s ——–.
in order to make someone look stupid
birini aptal yerine koyarak/salak muamelesi yapan
Stop making jokes at my ——-.
- expense
adjective : using intuition
sezgisel, önseziye dayanan, içe doğan
He has an ——- understanding of animals.
——–ly : adverb
- intuitive
verb : to imagine something happening, or think that something is likely to happen
öngörmek, tahmin etmek, önceden kestirmek
The police don’t ——- any trouble at the festival.
- envisage
noun [C, U] : SITUATION : all the facts, opinions, situations, etc relating to a particular thing or event
bağlam, bir konuya ilişkin tüm unsurlar
This small battle is important in the —— of Scottish history.
WORD : other words that were said or written at the same time as the word or words you are talking about
bağlam, sözcüklerin birbirine ilişkin oluşturduğu anlam ortamı, genel sözcük bağamı
Taken out of ——, her remark sounded like an insult.
- context
verb : TRY : to try very hard to do something difficult
çaba sarfetmek, uğraşmak, mücadele etmek
[+ to do sth] He’s ——-ing to pay off his debts.
FIGHT : to fight someone when they are holding you
çırpınmak, debelenmek
She ——-d but couldn’t break free.
- struggle
adjective : able to express ideas and feelings clearly in words
fikir ve hislerini kelimelerle anlatabilen, kendini ifade edebilen, açık seçik, anlaşılabilir
She’s an intelligent and highly ——- young woman.
- articulate
verb : RUB SKIN : to rub your skin with your nails, often to stop it itching (= feelingunpleasant)
kaşımak, çizmek, sıyırmak, hafifçe yırtmak
He ——-ed his head.
HURT/DAMAGE [T] : to make a slight cut or long, thin mark with a sharp object
çizmek, tırmalamak, sivri bir şeyle çizerek yaralamak
The surface was all ——-ed.
I scratched myself on the roses.
to rub a hard surface with a sharp object, often making a noise
kazımak, kazıyarak çıkarmak
I could hear the cat scratching at the door.
- scratch
adverb : intentionally
bile bile, kasten, bilerek
I wasn’t ——- trying to hurt you.
- purposely
verb [T] : to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it
ikna etmek, razı etmek, inandırmak
[+ to do sth] We managed to ——- him to come with us.
[+ (that)] I ——-ed her that it was the right thing to do.
- persuade
verb [T] : PAY TO USE SOMETHING UK (US rent)
to pay money in order to use something for a short time
kiralamak, kira ile tutmak
They —-d a car for a few weeks.
EMPLOY : to begin to employ someone
ücretle çalıştırmak; tutmak
We —-d a new secretary last week.
- hire
noun. THINGS TOGETHER [C] : a number of things of the same type that are joined or held together
grup, aynı grup şeylerden oluşan deste, demet
He handed me a —— of flowers.
PEOPLE [C] informal : a group of people
topluluk, grup
[usually singular] His friends are a nice ——-.
a —— of sth US informal : a large amount or number of something
bir demet, bir deste
There’s a whole —– of places I’d like to visit.
- bunch
verb: ——– for sth; ——- to do sth
to ask for something continuously in a loud or angry way
kıyamet koparmak, yaygara yapmak
Fans were ——-ing for their autographs.
- clamour
noun [U] : a situation in which many different types of things or people are included in something
çeşitlilik, farklılık, çok türlülük
ethnic ——-
- diversity
noun : COMPETITION [C] : a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc against each other in order to see who is the fastest
yarış, yarışma, müsabaka, koşu
a horse —–
PEOPLE [C, U] : one of the groups that people are divided into according to theirphysical characteristics, such as skin colour
people of many different —-s
FOR POWER [C] : a situation in which people compete against each other for power or control
yarış, rekâbet, çekişme, yarışma
the —- for governor
the —-s : an event when horses race against each other
at yarışları
- race