The Snow Child - Quotes and Context - complete Flashcards
What does the count wish for regarding a girl?
The count says ‘I wish I had a girl as white as snow’
This is followed by finding a hole in the snow filled with blood, which could symbolize menstruation or the sexuality that accompanies pubescence.
What does the count wish for after expressing his desire for a girl as white as snow?
The count says ‘I wish I had a girl as red as blood’
This is followed by the appearance of a raven.
What does the count wish for in relation to a raven?
The count says ‘I wish I had a girl as black as that bird’s feather’
The object of his desires then appears: ‘white skin, red mouth, black hair and stark naked…the child of his desire’.
How does the countess feel about the child?
The countess hates the child.
What does the count do with the child?
The count seats the child on his saddle.
What items does the countess drop and want the child to fetch?
The countess drops her glove, diamond brooch and wants the child to fetch them for her.
What is the count’s response to the countess’s demands?
The count refuses to let the child do the countess’ bidding, and each time the countess demands something, an item of her clothing is taken from her and given to the child until the countess is naked and the child has furs and boots.
What does the countess ask the child to do?
The countess asks the child to pick her a rose, and the count says ‘I can’t deny you that’.
What happens when the girl picks the rose?
The girl picks the rose, ‘pricks her finger on the thorn; bleeds; screams; falls’.
explain how the snow child demonstrates the way in which the patriarchy removes the moral boundaries for men
the Count has control over the surroundings - when he wishes for something it happens
- there is no accountability/moral framework for him as he is protected by the patriarchy
how does the count feel about his wife - give a possible explanation for this
‘the count felt sorry for his wife’
- The ‘wife’ is not the same as the Countess (even though he is married to the Countess)
○ There is a duality in his perception of the female characters
○ He can perceive that he feels sorry for his ‘wife’, but he can’t connect that to the real individual of the Countess
○ In this way his dual moral standards operate at two levels: his instinctive emotional responses and his interaction with reality and real people, and there is a disconnect between these two things
what story is TSC based on
snow white
how is snow white a liminal character
she is given an apple which makes her fall into a deep sleep
what was the original title of snow white
little snow white