The Skull Flashcards
Calvaria(skull cap) form by?
Intramembranous ossification
Skull base bones are formed by?
Endochondral ossification
Identify the bones of the viscerocranium(Norma frontalis)
- Frontal bone
- Nasal bone
- Zygomatic
- Maxilla
- Mandible
Identity the bony landmarks of viscerocranium and comment where possible
- Frontal eminence- center of ossification
- Supercilliary arch- ridge above orbit
- Glabella- elevation between the 2 supercilliary arches
4.Nasion- depression at the frontonasal suture - Nasal septum and anterior nasal spine
- Middle and inferior nasal conchae
- Canine eminence- formed by root of canine tooth
Identify the foramina in viscerocranium and state their contents
- Supraorbital foramen- supraorbital nerve and vessels
- Infraorbital- infraorbital nerve and vessels
- Zygomaticofacial - zygomaticofacial nerve and vessels
- Mental foramen- mental nerve and vessels
Identify the bones of calvaria/skull cap/ Norma verticalis
- Frontal bone
- Occipital
- Parietal (paired)
Skull cap sutures
- Coronal- between frontal and parietal
- Sagittal- between the 2 parietal bones
- Lambdoid - between occipital and parietal bones
Identify the bony landmarks of skull cap
- Bregma- meeting of sagittal and coronal sutures
- Lambda- meeting of sagittal and lambdoid sutures
- Parietal foramen- emissary vein between superior sagittal sinus and the veins of the scalp
- Parietal eminence- center of ossification
Bony landmarks of internal skull cap
- Groove for superior sagittal sinus- in the middle
- Grooves for the middle meningeal vessels
- Granular foveolae- made by arachnoid granulations
- Bregma
- Lambda
Identify the bones of norma occipitalis
- Left and right parietal
- Squamous part of occipital
- Mastoid process
Bony landmarks of Norma occipitalis
- External occipital protuberance- inion is the prominent point
- External occipital crest
- Lambda
- Asterion- meeting of parietal,occipital and mastoid bones
- 3 nuchal lines- highest, superior, inferior
- Mastoid notch(digastric notch)
- Mastoid foramen- emissary vein and meningeal branch of occipital artery
Identify bones of norma lateralis
- Above- frontal, parietal and occipital
- Zygomatic bone & zygomatic arch
- Greater wing of sphenoid
- Squamous part of temporal bone
- Mastoid process and styloid process
- Bones of face- nasal and maxilla
- Infratemporal fossa and pterygomaxillary fissure- deep to the ramus of the mandible
Bony landmarks of Norma lateralis
- Pterion- made of frontal,parietal, temporal and greater wing of sphenoid ( overlies anterior branch of middle meningeal artery, fracture may injure the artery and cause extradural hemorrhage)
- Asterion- meeting of mastoid, parietal and occipital (lies opposite sigmoid sinus)
- Superior and inferior temporal lines- superior is continuation of supramastoid crest
- External auditory meatus
- Suprameatal Triangle- above external auditory meatus and below supramastoid crest( forms lateral wall of mastoid antrum)
- Articular tubercle and head of mandible
Structures attached to styloid process
- Stylohyoid muscle- facial nerve VII ( develops from second pharyngeal arch)
- Styloglossus muscle- hypoglossal nerve XII ( develops from occipital myotomes)
- Stylopharyngeus muscle- glossopharyngeal nerve IX ( from third pharyngeal arch)
- Stylohyoid ligament
- Stylomandibular ligament
Foramina of the skull and their contents( Norma basalis interna)
- Foramen cecum- emissary vein between nasal vein and superior sagittal sinus
- Cribriform plate- olfactory nerves
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal canals- anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels
- Optic canal- optic nerve, opthalmic artery (and meningeal layers)
- Superior orbital fissure- lacrimal nerve, frontal nerve, trochlear nerve, superior division of III nerve, nasocilliary nerve, inferior division of III nerve, Abducent nerve( live free to see no insult at All + OV)
- Foramen rotundum- maxillary nerve branch of trigeminal
- Foramen ovale- mandibular nerve, accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve and emissary vein of cavernous sinus ( MALE)
- Foramen spinosum- middle meningeal artery and nervus spinosus ( meningeal branch of mandibular n.)
- Lacerum- internal carotid artery ( after leaving carotid canal) and deep petrosal nerve ( formed by sympathetic plexus)
- Internal auditory meatus- facial nerve(VII), vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) and labyrinthine artery
- Jugular foramen- 2V, 2A( meningeal arteries from ascending pharyngeal and occipital arteries), 3N
Anterior: inferior petrosal sinus
Posterior: sigmoid sinus
Middle- glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves - Hypoglossal canal- hypoglossal nerve XII
- Magnum:
3 nervous- medulla to become spinal cord, spinal accessory nerves, sympathetic fibers, meningeal branches of the upper three cervical nerves
3 arteries- vertebral, anterior and posterior spinal arteries
3 meninges - dura, arachnoid, pia
Foramina in normal basalis externa
- Incisive foramen(fossa)- nasopalatine nerve and sphenopalatine artery
- Greater palatine foramen- greater palatine nerve and vessels
- Lesser palatine foramen- lesser palatine nerve and vessels
- Ovale- mandibular n, accessory meningeal a, lesser petrosal n, emissary vein of cavernous sinus(MALE)
- Spinosum- middle meningeal artery and nervus spinosus
- Lacerum- internal carotid artery and sympathetic fibers( deep petrosal nerve)
- Carotid canal- internal carotid artery and sympathetic fibers
- Stylomastoid - facial nerve, stylomastoid artery
- Jugular foramen- 2V+3N+2A
Anterior: inferior petrosal sinus
Posterior: sigmoid sinus
Middle: IX, X, XI nerves - Mastoid - meningeal branch of occipital artery, emissary vein
- Foramen magnum- medulla oblongata to become spinal cord, sympathetic fibers, spinal accessory nerve, vertebral arteries, anterior and posterior spinal arteries , 3 meninges
- Anterior condylar (hypoglossal canal)- hypoglossal nerve
- Posterior condylar canal- emissary vein between sigmoid sinus and sub occipital plexus of veins
Parts of the hard palate
- Palatine process of maxilla- anterior 2/3
- Palatine bone- posterior 1/3
- Posterior nasal spine- in the middle of the free posterior border
Foramina in hard palate( anterior part)
- Incisive foramen- transmits nasopalatine nerve and sphenopalatine vessels
- Greater palatine foramen- transmits greater palatine nerve and vessels
- Lesser palatine foramen - transmits lesser palatine nerve and vessels
Bones and foramina of sphenoid and petrous temporal bone(middle part)
In the midline:
1. Vomer and body of sphenoid
2. Basilar part of occipital bone
3. Pharyngeal tubercle
On each side:
1. Medial and lateral pterygoid plates
a. Pterygoid fossa- between the two plates
b. Pterygoid hamulus and scaphoid fossa
2. Greater wing of sphenoid: contains
a. Foramen ovale- (MALE)
b. Foramen spinosum
3. Groove for auditory tube
4. petrous part of temporal bone:
a. Foramen lacerum
b. Carotid canal
c. Jugular foramen
d. styloid process
5. Articular tubercle & articular fossa
Posterior part of normal basalis externa: occipital bone & mastoid process
Occipital bone
1. Hypoglossal canal
2. Posterior condylar canal
Mastoid process
1. Mastoid notch- on the medial side (digastric)
2. Stylomastoid foramen
3. Mastoid foramen
4. Groove for occipital artery
Bones and foramina of anterior cranial fossa
- Frontal crest, foramen cecum, Crista galli
- Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
- Orbital plate of frontal bone
- Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
- Anterior & posterior ethmoidal canals
Bones and foramina of middle cranial fossa
- Sella turcica: hypophyseal fossa, tuberculum sellae & dorsum sellae
- Anterior & posterior clinoid processes
- Optic canal & sulcus chiasmaticus
- Greater wing of sphenoid: foramen rotundum, ovale & spinosum
- Superior orbital fissure
- Petrous temporal bone: trigeminal ganglion fossa, tegmen tympani, radiate eminence; foramen Lacerum,
Identify parts of Posterior cranial fossa
1. Basilar part of occipital bone
2. Squamous part of occipital bone
3. Clivus: formed of sphenoid and basilar part of occipital bone
4. Internal occipital protuberance
5. Internal occipital crest
1. Foramen magnum
2. Jugular foramen- between occipital & petrous TB
3. Hypoglossal canal (anterior condylar)
4. Internal auditory meatus
5. Mastoid foramen- in groove for sigmoid sinus
Grooves for Dural venous sinuses
1. Transverse sinus
2. Sigmoid sinus
3. Superior petrosal sinus