The Side Kick Flashcards
The Side Kick: Purpose Benefit
Strengthen the core, stretch and strengthen hip flexors/extensors and ankle flexors/extensors
The Side Kick: LAYER 1
- Start position: Lie on the side with underneath arm extending along the mat with palm up
- Place the hand on the floor for support
Inhale to prepare - Exhale, create a small gap between your legs
- Inhale and move top leg forwards away from the body (start with small movements)
- Exhale and bring the leg back above the bottom leg
- Start position: Lie on the side with underneath arm extending along the mat with palm up
- Spine and pelvis should be stacked in a neutral position
- Abduct the top leg, with feet about hip-width apart and ankle dorsi-flexed
- Inhale and flex the hip, bringing the leg forward until a stretch is felt in the hamstrings.
- Exhale and extend the hip, sweeping the leg back under control, plantar-flexing the ankle
- Perform 8-10 repetitions on each leg
The Side Kick: LAYER 3
Increase the ROM
The Side Kick: Prime Mover s
Prime movers: Hip flexors and extensors and abductors (top leg)
The Side Kick: Stabilisers
Stabilisers: TVA, multifidus, rotator cuff, internal and external obliques
The Side Kick: Muscles stretched
Muscles stretched: Hamstrings, gastrocnemius, hip flexors/extensors
The Side Kick: Joint actions
Joint action: Hip abduction, hip flexion and extension
The Side Kick: Plane of movement:
Frontal, Saggital
The Side Kick: Teaching points (7)
- The pelvis must remain still throughout
- TVA and PF engaged
- Shoulders stabilised
- Keep length in the whole body
- Eye line lifted and looking forwards
- Keep even flexion and extension
- Palm open to the ceiling
The Side Kick: Watch out points (6)
- Head and neck alignment
- Shoulders tensing
- Hands ‘clutching’ the ground
- Top leg dropping too low or going too high
- Hips dropping back
- Back arching as the leg goes back in hip extension
The Side Kick: Imagery (4)
- Imagine a tug of war between toes and fingers
- Imagine being balanced on a beam/edge of a cliff
- Imagine being between 2 panes of glass
- Imagine balancing teacups and saucers on your shoulder and hips
The Side Kick: Progressions
Increase the ROM if stability can be maintained
The Side Kick: Adaptations (4)
Flex the underneath leg for more support
Palm down on underneath arm for more support
Just complete the hip flexion and return leg to start position
Fewer reps
The Side Kick: Modifications (3)
Cushion/block under the head
Block under supporting hand
Extra cushioning under hip