Spine Twist Stretch Flashcards
Spine Twist: Purpose and benefits
Impove spinal mobility and stretch the lower back and obliques
Spine Twist: Teaching
Lie in supine
Take arms out to the side in line with shoulders
Slide knees and feet in towards pelvis keeping knees and feet together
inhale and exhale with control slowly lower legs to one side rotating the head in the opposite direction
keep shoulder blades on matt during rotation
slowly and with control bring legs back to the starting position and repeat on other side
repeat 5 x
Spine Twist: Progressions
Increase ROM
Spine Twist: Adaptations
Keep head still and inline with spine (don’t rotate)
Less ROM
Spine Twist: Variations
Keep legs to one side after reps for a release stretch for 10 -15 seconds
keep feet hip width apart and rotate opposite sides