The Shoulder Bridge Flashcards
The Shoulder Bridge: Purpose and benefit
Strengthen gluteals (medius), hip flexors and extensors, core muscles stabilising pelvis
The Shoulder Bridge: LAYER 1
- Start position: Lie supine in neutral
- Inhale pelvic tilt
- Exhale return to neutral
The Shoulder Bridge: LAYER 2
- Lie supine, in neutral
- Inhale to prepare and perform a pelvic tilt
- Exhale and peel the spine off the floor
- Keeping a level pelvis, take the hips to the bridge position – hips, shoulders, and knees should be in alignment
- Inhale to hold
- Exhale to peel back down to the start position
The Shoulder Bridge: LAYER 3
- Lie supine, in neutral
Inhale to prepare; exhale and peel the spine off the floor - Keeping a level pelvis, take the hips to the Bridge position - hips, shoulders and knees should be in alignment
- Inhale and hold
- Exhale and lift the heel of the foot from the floor, keeping the ball of the foot in contact with the mat (heel lifts)
- Inhale and replace the heel back down
- Exhale and roll the spine back down to the start position
- Repeat once on each side
- Exhale and peel the spine off the floor
- Stabilise the Bridge position as you inhale to hold
- Exhale and flex the hip, keeping the leg bent and shin parallel to the ceiling
- Inhale and return the foot back to the floor, maintaining the Bridge position
- Exhale and roll the spine back down to the start position
- Repeat 3 times on each side
- Option to stay at the heel lift only
The Shoulder Bridge: Prime movers
Hamstrings, gluteals, hip flexors and hip extensors
The Shoulder Bridge: Stabilisers
TVA, internal and external obliques, multifidus, rectus abdominis, scapular stabilisers
The Shoulder Bridge: Muscles stretched
Hamstrings, hip flexors
The Shoulder Bridge: Joint action
Hip extension and flexion, spine extension
The Shoulder Bridge: Plane of movement
The Shoulder Bridge: Teaching points
Shoulders, hips and knees in alignment on diagonal
Keep all the movements controlled
Maintain bridge as you lift the leg
Keep legs in alignment
Keep hips stable and lifted throughout
Articulate through the spine into and out of the bridge
The Shoulder Bridge: Watch out points
Avoid hyper-extending the back
Poor articulation
Flaring of the ribs
Head and neck alignment
Coming up too far onto the cervical vertebrae
Not controlling the leg on the way down
Ensure one side of the pelvis does not drop down
The hips should not dip down in the bridge position
Losing the bridge as exercise progresses
The Shoulder Bridge: Imagery
Imagine the spine is like a pearl necklace you are carefully laying on the floor, bead by bead
Keep a spirit level across the hips
On the downward move of the leg imagine it is pressing gently down on a big air bed
Keep a hoist under the hips
The Shoulder Bridge: Progressions
Increase the reps
Complete right and left leg without rolling down in between
Extend leg to ceiling/onto diagonal
The Shoulder Bridge: Adaptations
Just perform the hip extension to the basic bridge
Lift one heel up and down and repeat the other foot
Lift foot up and down and repeat other leg
The Shoulder Bridge: Modifications
Block or cushion between the thighs for the bridging section