The One Leg Circle Flashcards
The One Leg Circle: Purpose and benefit
Improve mobility of hip joint and core stability; strengthen the hip flexors, adductors and abductors
The One Leg Circle: LAYER 1
Lie supine in neutral
Inhale and circle the knee in towards the body
Exhale as the leg circles out away from the body
Stabilise the pelvis and maintain TVA engagement
Repeat 5 times and then circle the other leg
The One Leg Circle: LAYER 2
As above, extend working leg to the ceiling
Keep supporting leg bent
The One Leg Circle: LAYER 3
Increase the ROM
Start position: lie supine in neutral, legs extended, TVA engaged and shoulders stabilised
Inhale to prepare
Exhale and float one leg up in a flexed position and extend leg to ceiling
Inhale and circle the leg across the body in an anti-clockwise direction
Exhale and complete the circle, bringing the leg out to the side and back to the start position
Perform smooth circles at a regular controlled pace
Continue in this direction 5 times then reverse the direction for a further 5 reps
Repeat on the other leg
The One Leg Circle: Prime movers
Hip flexors, adductors and abductors
The One Leg Circle: Stabilisers
TVA, internal and external obliques, multifidus
The One Leg Circle: Muscles stretched
Hip flexors, adductors, abductors and hamstrings
The One Leg Circle: Joint action
Hip circumduction
The One Leg Circle: Plane of movement
Sagittal, frontal, transverse
The One Leg Circle: Teaching points
Ensure the pelvis remains stable; if lateral tilting is felt, reduce the size of the circle
Keep shoulders and ribcage stabilised and on the mat throughout the exercise
Slow controlled circles
Opposite leg remains steady and in line with opposite hip
The One Leg Circle: Watch out points
Head and neck alignment
Using too much momentum
Hips rocking
Torso moving
Not moving at the hip joint
The One Leg Circle: Imagery
Imagine leg is like a pencil drawing circles in the air
Imagine your leg and hip joint are like a pestle and mortar
Imagine the top of your thigh (ball) oiling out your hip joint (socket)
The One Leg Circle: Progressions
Increase the reps
Increase the ROM
Speed up the circles as long as control is maintained
The One Leg Circle: Adaptions (inter level)
Use fingertip as a guide
Flex the knee of the active leg
Reduce the size of the circles