Scissors Flashcards
Scissors: Purpose and benefits
Strengthens core and lumbar spine, stretch hamstrings
Scissors: LAYER 1
- Double knee folds – inhale to prepare
- Exhale and lift one leg to Table Top
Inhale, exhale, cue ‘ribs to hips’ (imprint) and float the other leg up - Keep TVA engaged, knees/feet hip-width apart, toes softly pointed
- Inhale and hold
- Exhale and float the first leg back down
- Inhale, hold
- Exhale and float the second leg back down
- Repeat this 2-4 times on each leg, alternate lead leg
Scissors: LAYER 2
- Lie in a supine set up position
- Maintain neutral and engage TVA
- Inhale to prepare
- Exhale and float one leg up to Table Top
- Inhale and hold
- Exhale, cuing ‘ribs to hips’ (imprint) and float the other leg to Table Top
- Inhale, exhale hinging at the hip to dip the toe to the floor
- Exhale and return the leg back up to Table Top
- Repeat other leg, alternating 4-6 times each leg
- Keeping a 90⁰ angle at the knee throughout
Scissors: LAYER 3
- As per layer 2
- Inhale and exhale to lift the head and shoulders from the floor
- Inhale to hold
- Exhale and hinge at the hip to dip the toe to the floor
- Inhale and return to the start position
- Repeat 4-6 times each leg, alternating legs
- As above, increasing the angle slightly at the knee
- Keep the head and shoulders lifted throughout the movement
Scissors: Prime movers
Quadriceps, hip flexors, *neck flexors, *rectus abdominis
Scissors: Stabilisers
TVA, lumbar multifidus, internal and external obliques, *rectus abdominis
Scissors: Muscles stretched
Hip flexors, hamstrings
Scissors: Joint action
Hip flexion and extension, spine flexion
Scissors: Plane of movement
Scissors: Teaching points
Keep pelvis stable
Keep TVA and PF engaged
Ensure legs pass half way
Keep legs extended
Ensure even rhythm to keep control
Scissors: Watch out points
Head and neck alignment
Abs doming
Back arching
Passing legs too low, compromising back
Pulling the leg in too sharply
Scissors: Imagery
Imagine scissoring legs in the air
Windscreen wiper legs
Scissors: Progressions
Increase the reps
Increase the ROM
Focus on reaching further on the 2nd count rather like performing a dynamic stretch and pulsing motion
Aim to switch the legs in mid-air on the inhalation
Hold the ankle
Scissors: Adaptations
Intermediate level
Keep the head down and flex the knees slightly
Change the legs at a higher point
If the head is down do not lower leg completely to the floor if neutral cannot be maintained
Imprint to be performed if pelvis and lumbar are unstable