The Second Reform Act Flashcards
Long term pressures for reform - why had the issue of reform never completely gone away
- action from above
- Power from above proposed bills
- Russell - 1852,54,60
- Derby 1859
- Regardless of motivation there was an assertive pressure within a united govt
Long term pressures for reform - why had the issue of reform never completely gone away
-pressure from below
- Since the end of Chartism, 4 of 6 Charter points had been achieved, arguably a consequence of the moevment’s extra-parliamentary protest
- The electorate has increased by more than 60% since 1832 from inflation & higher wages
Long term pressures for reform - why had the issue of reform never completely gone away
-Out of date system
- Out of Date MP systems - reform was common sense to mitigate discrepancies, which could limit the effectiveness of govt, with suitable people unable to be MPs
The Property Qualification for MPs Act 1858
- receives very little attention - as it maintained only the wealthy could serve as MPs, having little signifcance to the working classes
The Property Qualification for MPs Act 1858
-what caused it?
In 1711, property qualification was first introduced, restricting memebrship to the HofC
The Property Qualification for MPs Act 1858
-what catalysed it?
- Glover, an MP, was arrested after his qualification as an MP included fraud, failing to acknowledge his properties were heavily mortaged
- However, he was used as a scapegoat, receiving a lenient sentence, as over 1/2 MPs were expected to have done this
The Property Qualification for MPs Act 1858
-Why did the Liberals push it through?
- As property rights emerged as out of date & unnecessary,
- as it doesn’t impact how effectively they could do to the job,
- & if you can do the job without a salary, you don’t need property rights
Why did the Liberals propose the 1866 Reform Bill
-faith in reform
- Supportive of reform:
- 1832 reform act was succesfull & the Tories didn’t anticipate this
Why did the Liberals propose the 1866 Reform Bill
-intellectual changes
- New innovative ideas, which would create a new type of reform which shouldn’t alienate people
- e.g J.S Mill reform should be a moral ideal, with the rich accepting responsibilities to extractthe capacity of energy & virtue from society
Why did the Liberals propose the 1866 Reform Bill
-better working class rep
- Working class growing repsctability –> new organisations & American civil war - deserving
Why did the Liberals propose the 1866 Reform Bill
-political balance
- redress politcal balance, to reform borughs where support is strongest & they care about ‘urban opinion’
Why did the Liberals propose the 1866 Reform Bill
-political expedience
Bright felt artisanal voters would increase support for Liberal policies, e.g low tax & spending
What were the details of the Liberals proposals
- lower property value in boroughs & counties –> more votes
- new seats in borughhs & counties –> only 30% more in boroughs to ensure domination
- get rid of more small boroughs –> by joining or removing MPs
- 1 seat to London university –> atheist institution
The Liberal proposal would increase the working class voters from…
- From 1in 5 working class men
- to 1 in 4 working class men
- This would be smaller than the 1832 percentage increase
Of the 1 in 4 working men who would be able to vote from the Liberal Proposals 1866, who would be included in the wc receiving suffrage
- skilled, elite working class, such as artisans
Which 2 groups are the reason the 1866 Reform Bill fails
- Adullamites
- Conservatives
Why does the 1866 Reform Bill fail
-The Adullamites
- A group of aristocratic liberals don’t like this as they arescared of giving too many people the vote
Explain Robert Lowe, the figurehead of the Adullamites, argument against reform
- more votes would go to those more prone to corruption e.g bribery
- he carries enough Tory support with him to get majority
Why does the 1866 Reform Bill fail
-The Conservatives
- don’t want liberals to pass bill - would benefit the radicals
- some Tories are still completely against reform
- Tories win most votes in counties, & this bill threatens Tory dominance in counties
What were the additions to the November 1866 bill compared to the Liberal Bill
- occupation franchise, based on rates (vote based on value of property occupied, as opposed to ownership)
- fancy franchises
- boundaries to be investigated by a Royal Commission
What is meant by ‘‘Fancy Franchises’’
- a means of balancing the impact of a franchise extension by giving additional votes to non-working class households
What opposition was there to Fancy Franchise
- Adullamites oppsoed as it would benefit the Tories
- Radicals opposed as the working class votes increased, would have no influence
The November 1866 Bill was ____________as radical as the liberal bill
- nowhere near
The November 1866 Bill could be seen as a…
- time wasting mechanism
What were the additions to the February 1867 bill compared to the November 1866
- £6 rating franchise in boroughs
- £20 rating franchise in counties ?
- Fancy Franchises - BUT no plural voting
What is meant by Plural Voting or compounding
- connected to rates (council tax) - a way of less well off poor people paying their rates in order to get discounts
- Disraeli wants to disclude compounding in the February 1867 Bill propsoal
What is the significance of Cranborne, Carnavon & Peel in the passing of the 1867 Reform Act
- Cranborn is increasingly suspicous of Disraelis intentions
- Peel & Carnavon are very angry opposing conservatives
- They all threaten to resign, & actually do
Who was Disraeli
- young, leading member of the conservatives
- effectively unofficially in charge of the HofC
What were the additions to the March 1867 bill compared to the February 1867
- Household suffrage for those who have lived in the property for 2+ years & not compounded their rates
- Fancy franchises given to uni graduates, members of the professions & those iwth savings above £50
- In counties, occupancy franchise reduced to £15
- 15 seats redistributed
What were the additions to the May 1867 bill compared to the March 1867
- Household suffrage for those who have lived in the property for 2+ years, reduced to 1 year
- Lodgers to enfranchised too
What was removed in the May 1867 bill
- Hodgkinson’s amendment - abolished compounding
Who was Gladstone
- wants to propose changes to get credit for the March 1867 bill, but even then will see benefits for the liberals
Who was Hodgkinson
- proposes an amendment to make compounding illegal, and it gets through in the May 1867 bill
What is the impact for Radicals of the Second Reform Act
- 1 in 3 working men now have the vote, from 1 in 5
What is the impact for Conservatives of the Second Reform Act
- 2 out of 3 males still had no vote, as they ensured that multiple generations could be excluded from the vote in boroughs
What is the impact for Radicals of the Second Reform Act
- 800,000 voters were added, so for the first time, working classes dominated the electoral registers in boroughs
What is the impact for Conservatives of the Second Reform Act
- minimal redistribution meant rural areas remained over-represented, meaning the counties have an increased proportion of seats
- Counties: electorate increased by 45% - so counties remained largely middle class
- Carefully managed boundary changes, esnure those without the vote, the agricultural labourers, shifted Liberal voters out of counties, into boroughs
What is the impact for Radicals of the Second Reform Act
1877, National Liberal Federation - Liberal response to the effectiveness of the Conservative’ organisation in helping them to defeat the liberals in the 1874 election
List some of the activities of the new politcal organisations which were designed to locate & persuade potential voters as a consequence of the Second Reform Act
- Employment of paid local agents to recruit and retain new members
- Keeping records of members
- Ensuring members vote on election day
- Developed local ‘clubs’ - a means of raising funds as well as maintaining contact with and influence over the electorate.
What is the impact for Conservatives of the Second Reform Act
- Sir John Ghorst, (had to appeal to new voters)
- He set up the Conservative Central Office, which provided guidance to a wide n. of party associations group into,
- National Union of Conservative Associations: by 1877, 791 associations
- Primrose League gained female support (could influence male voting habits)
What is the impact for Conservatives & Radicals of the Second Reform Act
- Party organisations became more conscious of ‘image’.
- Clear leaders and personal animosities matter more, speaking tours showed a recognition of the importance of the electorate, by appealing with clear policies
- Election paraphernalia was produced - banners, mugs, plates
- The growing influence of the press and the railway network aided this swift distribution
What is the impact for Conservatives of the Second Reform Act
-Crown & Aristocracy
- In counties, local aristocracts retained influenced particularly those who had recently been enfranchised
- landowners continue to dominate parliament
What is the impact for Conservatives of the Second Reform Act
-social impacts
- Elementary Reform Act –> minmal education is provided to working classes, which can appease new voters
- having to appeal to the newly enfranchsied
What is the impact for Radicals of the Second Reform Act
-social impacts
- more working class MPs
- arguably voters are more powerful
- Elemenatry Education Act will support eligibility of future w/c to vote
Which aspects of the Second Reform Bill suit radicals most
- Household Franchise increases electorate in boroughs by 134%
Which aspects of the Second Reform Bill suit conservatives most
- counties have an increased proportion of seats
- The minority clause ensured Conservative representation in large boroughs
- Lodger find it very difficult to get on the electoral register
What was the minority clause
- The Minority Clause - three seat boroughs with only two votes per elector
- Typically the two Conservative candidates in two-member seats both polled well (c40%)
- this was way of trying to ensure minority, so Conservative representation in large boroughs.