The Sacraments Flashcards
What is a Sacrament?
A Sacrament is something that points us in the direction of God.
How many Sacraments are there? What are they?
7 Sacraments. Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.
What is sacred time?
times dedicated to things that are sacred / spiritual moments.
What is Sacred space?
spaces that are considered sacred / dedicated spiritual areas.
image that represents something.
Baptism - form, element, gesture.
Form - Trinitarian formula
Element - water
Gesture - water poured on forehead, submerged in water.
Confirmation - form, element, gesture.
Form - “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”
Element - Chrism (oil)
Gesture - laying of hands
Communion / Eucharist - form, element.
Form - “This is my Body, this is my Blood”
Element - Bread and Wine (Bread is wheat bread, Wine is grape wine)
Reconciliation - gesture
3 acts of the penitent: Contrition, Confession, Satisfaction.
Anointing of the Sick - element, gesture.
Element - oil
Gesture - anointing with oil
Holy Orders - gesture, element
Going into priesthood, deconhood, bishophood
Gesture - laying of the hands
Element - oil anointing
Matrimony - form, gesture
Form: vows that the spouses make to each other
Gesture: the consent and exchange of vows.
Institution - strengths and downfall
Strength - community, identity, influence, order
Downfall - corruption, makes people feel alienated
where to go and spread news out, gets the message out and provides education
Senant - strengths and downfall
Strengths - serves people in need; allows to spread Gospel message
Downfall - if we lose sight of Ministry, we can look down on people we are serving.
Community of Disciples - strengths and downfall
Strengths - voice of reason in society, ethical voice
Downfall - sense of self-righteousness (this can put others in danger)
Mystical Body of Christ - strengths and downfall
Strengths - where we enter the Church, sperate from politics
Downfall - Chaotic, opposite of institution.
Sacrament - downfall
needs a priest