The Role Religion Plays in the Public life of Australia or another nation Flashcards
Outline the role of religion in Australia’s secular system
role in public
The Catholic Church can be described as having a role in public life as a provider of health and social welfare services , education and as a political entity that represents its interests and those of Catholics to different levels of governments
Define what is meant by the term ‘public life’
The concept of ‘public life’ refers to the social, cultural and political life of a nation that is visible to the public as opposed to private life. Included in public life are the processes by which a society discusses debates and decides upon important matters.
Explain the relationship between Catholic Social Teaching and the Church’s role in the public life of Australia
The role of the Church in public life in informed by the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. In participating in the public life of Australia, the Catholic Church attempts to preserve human dignity and the common good. The Church responds to the issue of homelessness by being influenced by CST like for example Preferential Option for Poor.
The needs of the socially disadvantaged and vulnerable should be prioritized.
Outline why the Catholic Church believes it has a responsibility to ‘pass moral judgements in matter related to politics.”
The Catholic church is unequivocal that it has a legitimate role in influencing government and that it should function as a political entity. T
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (para 2246)
explains that:
“It is part of the Church’s mission, to pass moral judgement even in matters related to politics, whenever the fundamental right of a man… requires it”
Outline two ways the Catholic Church functions as a political entity
“The Catholic Church’s involvement in schools, hospitals and welfare has constantly brought it face to face with governments in the area of policy, regulation and funding”.
From time to time, issues arising from there activities have become particularly volatile. In instances the Church has found itself in the roles of both of an interested party and of a teacher of an understanding of human life and action.
How does the Church function as a poltical entity in Australia
The Church lobbies , or presents its viewpoint with the intention of influencing government policy, on social issues such as marriage, euthanasia and homelessness.
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) and groups within the Catholic Church such as ACRATH represent the Catholic Church’s view on legislation to government. For example, ACRATH attempted to influence the federal government to introduce legislation to eradicate slave labor from the supply lines of Australian companies.
Explain the purpose of the Australian Catholic Bishops conference
ACBC is the national assembly of the Catholic bishops of Australia. It serves as the official body through which the Catholic Church in Australia coordinates its activities , discusses common issues and makes decisions affecting the Church throughout the country.
The ACBC provides leadership and direction for the Catholic Church in Australia.
It addresses issues of national significance and ensures a unified response to matters that effect the Church at a national level.
Summarize the organizations within the Catholic Church that have delegated authority to represent the interests of the Church to federal and state governments.
Catholic Health Australia (CHA) represents the nations largest non gov grouping of hospitals, aged and community care services.
Providing approximately 10% of hospital and aged care services in Australia.
CHA actively lobbies government. For example prior to the 2021 budget, CHA along with other providers of aged care lobbied the federal government to overhaul the aged care funding model and its workforce strategy.
Define the term social welfare service
A social welfare is a publicly or privately provided service intended to aid disadvantaged , distressed , or vulnerable persons or groups.
Outline why the Catholic Church administers social welfare services
Catholic organizations that administer social welfare services have a vision , mission, and day to day work that are informed by the principles of CST
Summarize the role that CSSA has in the delivery of social welfare services
What does it stand for
Catholic Social Services Australia
Members of CSSA deliver broad range of social welfare services such as employment services, aged care, NDIS services , youth work,
Propose why the state and federal governments provide funding to Catholic Social Welfare Organizations
The Catholic Church is one of the largest providers of social welfare services to the poor in Australia society. Catholic agencies that provide welfare services do so to the wider Australian public and are not focused on assisting exclusively Catholics.
Summarize the role of Jesuit Refugee Service plays in the delivery of social welfare services.
The work of JRS in Australia in the areas supporting refugees who have been granted aslyum and advocating for the rights of asylum seekers in offshore detention.
In cases of dire need the JRS will provide emergency relief. Is an immdediate , one off payment for refugees in crisis facing unexpected costs.
Define the term religious order
A Catholic religious order is a society of consecrated life within the Church , who members pronounce vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that are accepted by a superior in the name of the Church.
Summarize the role of religious orders in Catholic education in Australia during nineteenth and twentieth century.
Under the control of religious orders , Catholic education in Australia not only survived but flourished. The presence of religious orders made it possible for the Catholic Church to have it own system of primary and secondary education with no funding from the government. The sisters and brothers were able to be the mainstay of Australian Catholic schools for 150 years.
Summarize the size of Catholic education in Australia today
1.Over 30% of students who attend Catholic schools are non catholic
2. In 2021 nearly 794000 students, 1759 schools and over 104500 staff.
3.There are 15000 children attending over 400 Catholic early learning and childcare centres. across Australia.
Statistics of Catholic Health in Australia
85 hospitals
44,269 births
25000 residential aged care beds in Catholic sector
Summarize the history of Saint John of God Health Care
The first St John of God Hospital was established by the Congregation of the Sisters of St John of God in 1895.
Eight sisters arrived in Perth in late 1895 and began visiting the sick in their homes and established a Covenant hospital in Subiaco.
Outline role Saint John of God Health Care today
Non for profit care group.
27 hospital facilities.
Employs more than 16000 staff
nursing and disability services.
Explain Catholic Church’s role in aged care in Australian Society
Catholic Church account for over 28000 home care package consumers.
Catholic aged care organizations employ more than 83000.
12% of not for profit aged care facilities in Australia.