Second Vatican Council Flashcards
Summary of second vatican council
- 21st ecumenical council in history of the Catholic Church
- Meeting of all the bishops of the Catholic Church presided over by the Pope
- To be convoked on the 25 th of Janurary 1959
Aggiornamento in relation to Second Vat Council
means “to bring up to date”
Pope John XXIII saw need for aggiornamento in thinking and practices of church
to better enable church to do gods work and serve whole people of God on Earth
Ressourcement in relation to second vat council
Ressourcement is a word that means to return to the authoritative sources. Authoritative sources council examined were scripture and early church tradition
What were the reasons why the Second Vat council was convoked
Was due to the world having changed considerably between the previous ecumencial council while the Church’s pastoral mission had not
Fortress mentality what does it refer to
Refers to the Church intentionally seperating itself from wider culture and being reluctant to engage with the world outside the Church
Doccuments produced by the second vatican council
- Sacrosanctum Concilium
(Constitution on the Scared Liturgy) - Lumen Gentium
(Dogmatic Constitution on the Church) - Dei Verbum
(Dogmatic Constitution on Divine relevation) - Gaudium Et Spes
(Pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world)
Define the term ecumenism
Ecumenism is about fostering unity among Christian denominations , promoting dialouge and collaboration regardless of doctrinal differences with the aim of achieving greater reconciliation within the Broader Christian community
Doccuments produced by Second Vatican Council
List them
4 constitutions
9 decrees
3 declarations
What was the process used by the Church to produce the 16 doccuments
Three groups within church were consulted to prepare doccuments.
They were the bishops of the world, the Catholic universities and the departments of the Curia
Prep commisions then created draft doccuments which were to be discussed , amended and voted upon by the bishops
Give 2 reasons why the doccuments produced by the Second Vatican Council were signifcant
- advocated the use of vernacular languages in the mass instead of traditional latin
- Called for the full , active , conscious participation of all the faithful
What was the Catholic church like before the Second Vatican Council
Church “had been seen as a fortress, very much concerned abour its own internal stability and integrity
What was the Catholic church like after the Second Vatican Council
Doccuments produced allowed Catholics to pray with other Christian denominations , encouraged friendship with other non christian faiths
What was the purpose of the Gaudium et Spes
The purpose of the Gadium et Spes is a pastoral guidance on the Church’s role in the modern world and the Church’s perspective on social and cultural contexts
Key Points of Gaudium et Spes
- We must all seek the common good
- We should have respect and love for those who think differently then we do
- God’s voice echoes in our very depths and is called “conscience”
Outline the purpose of the Church Constitution , Lumen Gentium
Is latin for “Light of the nations”
The doccument is significant as it provides an explanation of the nature of the Church itself and its role in the modern world. Lumen Gentium explains that the church is an institution established by Christ that is willing to engage with the modern world.
Outline two examples of how the Catholic Church is explained in this doccument
- The Church as the People of God:
The Church is not just a hierarchical institution but a community of the faithful - The Role of Mary and the Saints:
Discusses the role of Mary , the mother of God , as a model of faith and obedience
Summarize the key features of the Tridentine Mass
Was that it was “celebrated in medieval latin” and the “Eucharist was received on the tounge and not in the hand.” The mass had “no lay readers”
Sacrosanctum Concilium
What does it mean
When was it published
meaning sacred council
first constitution promulgated by Second Vatican Council
on 4th of December 1963
Sacrosanctum Concilium
What was stipulated
how the Catholic liturgy should be renewed.
Prior to Sacrosanctum Concilium
Catholic mass was the Tridentine or the mass that had been stipulated by the Council of Trent.
Why did liturgical reform occur at the Second Vatican Council
due to the “lack of understanding of the word, used in the liturgy on the part of most people; a lack of involvement in the action of the liturgy on part of the laity.”
How did the Sacrosanctum Concilium change Catholic liturgy
as increased participation of the laity was encouraged, “To promote active participation, the people should be encouraged to take part by means of acclamations, responses, psalmody, antiphons, and songs as well as actions, gestures and bodily attitudes.”
Whereas before responses were made by altar boys as many people had limited or no understandings of the readings
Identify the name of the mass created by the reforms of the Sacrosanctum Concilium
The ordinary form or the Novus Ordo
When was the Dei Verbum promogulated
18th November 1965