Homelessness Flashcards
What does ‘homeless’ mean ?
Homelessness is often understood to describe people who sleep unsheltered outside
ABS definition of homelessness best definition to use
Homelessness can be defined as someone who does not have suitable accomodation alternatives
What is homelessness a lack of
Homelessness is therefore a lack of one or more of the elements that represent ‘home’
Some is considered homelessness if their current living arrangement
- is in a dwelling inadequate
- has no tenure or initial tenure short
- does not allow them to have control of and access to space for social relations
homelessness what is it
The elements of home may include
a sense of security , stability , privacy , safety
Operational groups
Are forms of homelessness that are counted in the Australian census
Operational groups
Used to classify
homeless people in Australia
Operational groups
4 operational groups who are experience homelessness include ;
- Persons living in ‘severly’ crowded dwellings
- persons in other temporary lodgings
- persons staying in supported accommodation for the homeless
- Persons living in boarding houses
Operational groups
Statistics to remember
From 2006 the amount of people staying temporarily with other households has stayed roughly the same , the number of people living in ‘severely’ crowded dwellings has risen significantly over the years
What is meant by the term people living in improvised dwellings or sleeping out
Homeless people who sleep outside are classified as ‘people living in improvised dwellings or sleeping out’
Percentage of homeless people in Western Australia who live in improvised dwellings or sleeping out
24 %
Almost one in two 49% long term rough sleepers reported both one or more
diagnosed mental health conditions and problematic drug or alcohol use
Among long term rough sleepers, 43.2% were tri morbid in the sense that they reported that they had been diagnosed with
a mental health condition , reported problematic drug or alcohol use and reported chronic medical health conditions
A greater proportion of women (75.9%) with tri morbidity reported experiencing
violence or threats of violence in the prior compared to males (63.9%)
Define the term vacany rate
Vacany rate ca be defined as essentially the number of residental properties that are avaliable for rent
Why does a low vacancy make it difficult for low income people to find rental accommodation
A low vacancy rate means the demand for residental rental property is higher than the supply , this in turn increases the prices , people who are homelessness generally have low income so find it harder to find housing in the private rental market.
What are three factors other than a shortage of rental accommodation that contribute to a person experiencing homelessness
- people exiting state care as children
- leaving prison
- breakdown of relationships
Housing availability in WA
How is it constrained
Constrained by population growth , urbanization and limited affordable options
Housing availability in WA
Regional areas
Regional areas face particular shortages , exacerbating social and economic disparities
Housing availability in WA
What are the solutions
Solutions involve investment in affordable housing , better planning and support for vunerable groups
Between 1994 - 95 and 2013 - 14 proportions of Australians who owned their own home
what did it do
outright fell from 42% to 31%
Reports of people waiting up to
public housing
153 weeks for public housing
No more than
household income
30% of household income should be spent on rent.
Individuals who experienced homelessness before the age of 18 did not suffer a long
drawn out stint but rather multiple occurences.
731, 000 of the
how many living in poverty
3 million living in poverty are children which is an alarming statistic considering many of these kids are under the age of 15
Identify three reasons for the over - representation of Aboriginal people amongst the homeless
- Historical and intergenerational trauma
- socio economic disadvantages
- lack of culturally appropriate services
Quote about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the homeless population
“While making up only 3.1 per cent of the general population , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders form 29.1 per cent of the homeless population in the census
Why does the Catholic Church respond to the issue of homelessness
Because it is an institutions that is inspired by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ
Why does the Catholic Church respond to the issue of homelessness
The authors of the books in the New Testament describe Jesus’ teaching in relation to welcoming
strangers and the need to have a commitment to the poor and disadvantaged in society
Why does the Catholic Church respond to the issue of homelessness
What are two parables that are good examples of Jesus’ teaching on the need to treat the poor in a dignifed manner
The Parable of the sheep and goats and the parable of the good samaritan
Parable of good samartian summarized
In the parable, the man by the roadside, stripped and left half dead, had experienced what most people who sleep rough in our cities and towns know and fear: danger, violence and being robbed
While the priest and the Levite passed by, the Samaritan went out of his way, came close and tended the victim’s wounds with oil and bandages.
We too live in a divided society – one in which we can so easily cross to the other side of the road. Jesus challenges us as individuals and as a nation. Will Australia let its heart go out to the homeless or will we continue to walk past?
The Church has traditionally viewed housing, not as a commodity
but as a basic human right
Catholic Social teaching
It is the Church’s teaching on how people should relate to one another and how society should be ordered for it to be just
4 points of Catholic Social Teaching
- The Dignity of the Human Person
- The Common Good
- Solidarity
- The Preferential Option for the Poor.
How does the Catholic Church respond to the issue of homelessness ?
Where does this response come from
Any response to a social issue on behalf of the Catholic Church comes from the Magisterium
What is an intellectual response
An intellectual response, in general, is provided in a Church document such as an encyclical or pastoral letter and provides the Church’s teachings on the issue and how it believes governments should address the issue
What is a practical response
A practical response is offered by a Church agency such as the Saint Vincent de Paul Society to practically assist people experiencing homelessness.
An intellectual response
When the Church makes an intellectual response to a current social issue it considers the teachings of Jesus Christ, Sacred Tradition, Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching and applies these teachings to a modern situation.
Pope Francis intellectual response
Pope Francis has provided an intellectual response to the issue of homelessness. He expresses the need for care and love of homeless people and those living on the margins. He teaches that people should see in the homeless the same dignity and worth they see in those people lucky enough not to be marginalized.
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference is the national and permanent institution of the bishops of the Catholic Church in Australia
It is comprised of the Catholic bishops of the dioceses of Australia.
attempts to influence government policy on how to deal with issues
A practical response of the Catholic Church
Two ways the Catholic Church responds practically to the issue of homelessness
By providing services to assist people who are homeless or close to being homeless. The Catholic church also tries to influence government policy around the area of homelessness
Practical response of Church
Housing support worker corrective service men
provides transitional support to men leaving correctional facilities and/or Corrective Services Accommodation Support Programs in the metropolitan area. It also assists to secure and maintain stable accommodation and facilitate reintegration back into the community.
Practical response
Tom Fisher house
The Tom Fisher House in Mount Lawley is an intensive intervention service is for those people experiencing long term homelessness. It is a service administered by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Tom Fisher House provides free overnight accommodation with few barriers to entry and a place of engagement in which an individual’s life impacting issues can be identified and supported.