Human Trafficking Flashcards
Identify an issue with which a religion interacts
The issue of human trafficking
movement borders
Define the term ‘human trafficking’
physical movement of people acorss and within borders through deceptive means, force and coercion
What may traffickers use to lure people
Traffickers might use violence, maniupulation, or false promises of well paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations.
country crime borders
Compare the terms ‘human traiffcking’ and ‘people smuggling’
People smuggling is a crime against a country by illegally crossing borders, whereas trafficking is an exploitative crime against an individual.
While people consent to being smuggled, trafficking does not involve consent.
Human trafficking involves ongoing exploitation of the person who has been trafficked.
Outline one signifcant conclusion about human trafficking
Human trafficking can take place even if the victim initially consented to providing labor, services, or commercial sex acts.
The trafficker’s exploitative scheme is what matters, not a victim’s prior consent or ability to meaningfully consent thereafter.
Outline one reason that people are motivated to engage in the trafficking of other people
relatively high profit, low risk crime
Statistics about trafficking the money it makes how many people get arrested
Only 1 in 5 victims are detected in Australia.
Considered second largest illegal source of income
estimated 150 billion industry
very few offenders are convicted for trafficking
partly due to different perpetrators involved at different times
entrap arrive exist not
What is mean by the term debt bondage.
When they arrive
debt can be used as a way to entrap people.
People can be forced into accpeting precarious job offers and making hazardous migration decisions.
when they arrive in their desired country they find work does not exist.
Become trapped and reliant on their traffickers.
Documents taken away and forced to work until debt is paid off.
small to
exploit victims
Outline the involvement of criminal networks in human trafficking
Traffickers range from small-time, solo operators to loose networks of criminals, to highly sophisticated criminal organizations that operate internationally.
“Traffickers choose to trade in humans … because there are low start-up costs, minimal risks, high profits and large demand. For organized crime groups, human beings have one added advantage over drugs: they can be sold repeatedly.”
leveraging support educate
Describe one way a religion could interact with the issue of human trafficking
One way could interact is by leveraging its global network of churches and communities to raise awareness and provide support for victims.
The Church can educate its members on the realities of human trafficking through sermons, workshops and educational materials.
part of problem corce public benefits
Describe how governments engage in human trafficking
How gov extracts work
some governments part of problem.
From forced labour in local or national public work projects or military operations
extract this work, governments coerce by threatening the withdrawal of public benefits, withholding salaries
Different forms of human trafficking
Sex slavery
most prevalent form, accounting for 58% if all trafficking activies. Includes forced prostitution, pornography, child sex rings.
Victims like children and adults face risk or HIV/AIDS
Different forms of human trafficking
Domestic servitude
form of slavery that occurs in households, most cases affects women and children.
Many suffer abuse by their employer including sexual assault.
Different forms of human trafficking
Forced marrige
Occurs where full and free consent by both parities to a marrige does not exist, often as the result of coercion.
Different forms of human trafficking
Organ trafficking
Trafficking for the purpose of organ removal.
Example of human trafficking
offered a waitressing job
Karimova recalls ‘they held us in an apartment and took away our passports’
put on plane to dubai
“We were to be sex slaves and do whatever the clients wanted.
Propose why the offecences of forced marrige were only introduced into the crimnal code in 2013
Due to rise of social media which provided increased awareness and advocacy on issuses like this.
Outline what is meant by the term forced marrige
Incapable of understanding nature and effect of a marrige ceremony, for reasons including age or mental capacity
Identify five main forms of human trafficking in Australia
Forced marrige, sexual servitude, forced labour, exit trafficking in persons and trafficking in children.
AFP 53 victims
Statistic about forced marrige
AFP taken action to protect 53 individuals
More than 75 per cent of the victims removed from harm were women and more than half were children (under the age of 18)
Why does the Catholic Church interact with the issue human trafficking
Outline why the Catholic Church has a commitment to the poor in society
Provides an intellectual and practical response to issue of human trafficking inspired by teaching and example of Jesus Christ.
Jesus ministered to financially poor and those on the margins of society, like lepers, tax collectors.
Outline Saint Pauls view of slavery
Paul appears to endorse slavery in letter to Colossrians 3:22
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you”
Catholic Social Teaching
What does it consist of
Teaching on what
Consists of interelated body of Catholic social thought and principles that have been developed by the church since this time.
It is the Church’s teaching on how people should relate to one another and how society should be ordered for it to be just.
Catholic Social Teaching
Human dignity what is it
Believe that every human being is created in the image and likeness of god. Therefore has an inherent dignity.
Catholic Social Teaching
The common good
Believe that the good of each human person is intimately related to the good of the whole community.
Catholic Social Teaching
Preferential option for the poor
We believe in prioritising the women, men and children most vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice.
Gaudium et Spes on human trafficking how it is a violation of principle of human dignity
“Whatever insults human dignity, such as, slavery, prostitution, the selling of women and children, where persons are treated as mere tools for profit, rather than as free and responsible persons.
They are a supreme dishounour to the creator.
Identify three documents that expresses the Catholic Church’s teaching on human trafficking.
The Catechism, The Gadium Et Spes and the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. 2007
Summarise the teaching of Pope John Paul II in relation to human trafficking.
Pope John Paul II in 21st Century Slavery- the Human rights dimension to trafficking in Human Beings.
human trafficking “constitues a shocking offense against human dignity and a grave violation of fundemental human rights. In particular, sexual explotation of women and children is a particulary repugant aspect of this trade.”
Explain what the ‘veil of indifference’ means in relation to human trafficking.
refers to widespread apathy and lack of awareness that allows human trafficking to persist. It represents the societal tendency to ignore or remain uninformed about the suffering of victims.
many people “do not want to understand the problem” and suggests that this indifference contributes to the ongoing explotation of human trafficking.
Outline two actions that Pope Francis believes needs to occur for modern slavery to be abolished.
- Raising awareness
breaking veil of indifference by ensuring ‘greater awareness of the subject’. “no one can wash their hands of it without being in some way, an accomplice to this crime against humanity.”
- Adressing root causes.
need to tackle the root causes of slavery, such as extreme poverty, violence, and corruption.
He advocates for ‘creating oppurtunities for integral human development,
Someone is in slavery if they are
- forced to work - through coercion.
- owned or controlled by an ‘employer’, through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse
Identify the name of one Catholic organisation that interacts with the issue of human trafficking
Australian Catholic Religious Against Human Trafficking
List the three ways that this organisation interacts with the issue of human trafficking
- Advocate for and with victims and survivors of human trafficking and slavery
- Raise awareness about human trafficking and modern slavery
- Address and prevent human trafficking, forced labour and forced marrige
three ways organisation interacts with the issue of human trafficking
Advocate for and with victims and survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery
They work to influence legislation and policy, such as lobbying for funding and the establishment of support schemes for trafficking survivors, and contributing to laws like the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act.
In 2023, the Federal Government’s Budget decision to offer victims and survivors of human trafficking the opportunity to access support without involvement of law enforcement, in part due to the advocacy of ACRATH.
three ways organisation interacts with the issue of human trafficking
Raise Awareness about human trafficking and modern slavery
Can involve collaborating with schools and parsihes to promote slavery free practices.
For example ACRATH has developed a Resource Kit to help various entities transition to slavery-free environments and provides educational materials and professional learning for teachers to address human trafficking.
three ways organisation interacts with the issue of human trafficking
Address and prevent human trafficking, forced labor and forced marrige.
Offers direct support services to individuals affected by trafficking, such as safe accomodation and casework. ACRATH’s companionship program, for example provides long term support and accomodation for young women escaping forced marriges.
Outline the relationship between ACRATh and the Modern Slavery Act (2018)
ACRATH played a key role in advocating for the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act (2018) which requires large businesses to report on modern slavery risks.
Outline the purpose of the Australian Catholic Anti Slavery Network
Supports Catholic entities to identify and manage modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains.
Also assists Catholic entities and senior executives to report on these actions through preparation of annual Modern Slavery Statements.
Summarise how Caritas interacts with the issue of human slavery
An example
They advocate for those who experience human trafficking and to be companions to those people who have escaped human trafficking.
In Asia , Caritas Thailand “collaborates with the nation’s Ministry of Labour to identify cases of severe explotation in the fisheries industry.”
Identify what the acronym COATnet represents
The Christian Organisation Against Trafficking of Humans
Identify the organisation that coordinates COATnet
Caritas International
Outline what it means that COATnet is an ecumenincal organisation
Means that it is a coliation that brings together various Christian denominations to work collectively against human trafficking
List three examples of how COATnet interacts with the issue of human trafficking
Help survivors of trafficking start a new life and get access to justice
Co-ordinate assistance across borders
Adovocate for policies on safe migration