The Progressive Era Flashcards
Upton Sinclair
- Author of “Into the Jungle’
- Documented poor working conditions in the meatpacking industry
Ida Tarbell
- Author of “History of the Standard Oil Company”
- Exposed Rockefeller’s business practices.
Jacob Riis
- Author of “How the Other Half Lives”
- Documented poor living conditions of cities throughout the U.S. through writings and photographs.
Gustavus Meyers
- Forgotten journalist and historian who focused on the negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution.
- Focused most of his writings on Cornelius Vanderbilt (and others) and how their wealth had a negative impact on the developments of America.
Lincoln Steffens
- Author of “The Shame of the Cities”
- Dedicated his journalism to investigating city governments and the process by which local leaders were elected.
Margret Sanger
- Author of “How Shall We Change the Law”
- Pushed for healthcare reforms, specifically in making contraceptives more available to women.
Melting Pot
- Many different ethnic groups lived in cities creating a “melting pot” of cultures and ideas.
The Great Migration
- Millions of African Americans escape Jim Crow laws and leave the South in search economic/political rights.
- 1910 to 1940
- The natavist movement resurfaces.
- Nativism was a reaction against change
- An attempt to preserve American culture.
Chinese Exclusion Act
- Restricted the number of Chinese immigrants entering the United States.
Muckraker’s Impact
- Federal regulation of business
- Improve working conditions
- Improve living conditions
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
- Improved Business Practices
- Improved Working Conditions
- Improved Living Conditions
- Conservation
Sherman Antitrust Act
- First legislation that gave the Federal Government power to dismantle Trusts.
- The language in the Sherman Antitrust Act was too vague to allow trusts to be broken up.
Theodore Roosevelt
- President from 1901 to 1909.
- McKinley was assassinated, Roosevelt became president because he was VP.
- Big imperialist.
- Square Deal.
- “Speak softly but carry a big stick.”
- Democrat.
Northern Securities CO v. United States
- Supreme Court rules that the Federal Government has the authority to dissolve a business for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act.
- The Supreme Court ordered Northern Securities CO to dissolve their partnerships or face further legal action.
- Republican-Conservatives were angry with Roosevelt but the public loved him.
Elkins Act
- Prohibited railroad companies from giving rebates to their wealthiest customers.
- (Roosevelt).
The Hepburn Act
- Gave more power to the Interstate Commerce Act to set railroad rates for fair pricing.
- (Roosevelt).
Department of Labor
- Roosevelt created the Department of labor to oversee business practices throughout the country.
1902 Coal Strike
- Coal workers in Pennsylvania were threatening to strike for better wages and working conditions.
- Roosevelt invited both sides to the White House to negotiate a deal
- He helped negotiate a deal that would bring the coal workers back to work without any violence.
- Roosevelt then helps pass legislation that makes it illegal for a worker to be discriminated against for joining a union.
Pure Food & Drug Act 1906
- The Federal Government would create commissions to regulate foods and pharmaceutical drugs that would be sold to the general public.
- (Roosevelt).
Meat Inspection Act 1906
- The Federal Government would create commissions that would inspect meat packing plants across the country to ensure the safety and quality control of meat production.
Teddy Roosevelt & Conservation
- Started the National Wildlife Refuge System.
- Increased the National Park System.
Platt Ammendment
- Cuba could not sign treaties with foreign powers that impaired their independence.
- Permitted the U.S. to intervene in Cuba’s affairs to preserve its independence and maintain law & order.
- Allowed the U.S. to keep naval bases in Cuba.
Teddy Roosevelt & Imperialism
- Wanted to increase U.S. markets throughout the Western Hemisphere and Pacific Ocean.
- Oversaw the the passage of the Platt Amendment in Cuba
- Looked to increase American domain in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
Opening of Japan (blast to the past)
- In 1854 commodore Matthew Perry visits Japan and convinces them to open-up their ports to trade with the U.S.
- Japan and the U.S. make a treaty which allows the U.S. to sell goods throughout the country (Meiji Restoration).
- Japan becomes an industrialized nation who trades with the U.S. for natural resources.
Annexation of Hawaii
- In the mid-19th century, American farmers moved to Hawaii and began creating Sugar Plantations.
- Sanford B. Dole took steps, along with U.S. ministers, to increase the size and power of the American planters in Hawaii & negotiating treaties with the Hawaiian monarchy to limit Hawaiian authority
- 1887 Constitution allowed for the U.S. to build a naval base in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor).
- Queen Liliuokalani refused to recognize the Constitution and Dole tried to organize a coup against her.
- The U.S. annexes Hawaii in 1898.
Panama Canal
- Canal that runs through Panama connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
- Was ultimately created to make the U.S. more powerful (symbolized U.S. technological prowess and economic power).
- Opened in 1914.
The Roosevelt Corollary
- Reinforced the the policies set by the Monroe Doctrine.
- U.S. would continue to invest in the Western Hemisphere and not get involved in European affairs.
- However, if Europe were to involve themselves in the Western Hemisphere, the U.S. would resort to a military response.
- ”Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”
Roosevelt Steps Down
- After winning reelection in 1904, Roosevelt steps down and goes on a hunting trip in Africa.
- Picks William Howard Taft to continue the Roosevelt-Policy.
William Howard Taft
- Republican.
- Even though he was hand-picked by Roosevelt, he strayed away from Roosevelt’s policies and sided with more conservative Republicans on the issues of trusts/regulation of businesses.
Election of 1912
- Republican Candidate: Howard Taft.
- Democratic Candidate: Woodrow Wilson.
- Progressive Candidate: Theodore Roosevelt.
- Because Roosevelt was so popular, especially amongst Republicans, the Republican Party vote was split between him and Taft which allowed Wilson to have an easy victory.
Woodrow Wilson
- Democrat.
- Racist.
- Created the Federal Reserve.
Woodrow Wilson
- Wanted to reduce the number of trusts/monopolies in order to restore competition.
- Triple Wall of Privilege.
- Democrat.
- Sympathized with the Confederacy and Jim Crow legislation.
- Fired 15 of the 17 African-Americans who held federally appointed positions.
- Segregated the army.
- Said he would not appoint African-Americans to federal jobs where it caused ‘friction’ in his inaugural address.
Woodrow Wilson’s Triple Wall of Privilege
- Plan would help improve the following conditions in America:
1. Tariffs
2. Trusts
3. Banking
Underwood Tariff Bill
- Reduced Tariff rates from 40% to 26%.
- Also introduced legislation for the first Income Tax:
- Tax based on your income.
- Wealthier pay more than poorer people.
Federal Trade Commission Act 1914
- Outlaws unfair business practices in terms of limiting competition and the creation of monopolies.
Clayton Antitrust Act 1914
- Strengthened and cleared up confusion from the Sherman Antitrust Act.
- Allowed individuals, and companies to sue other companies for violating the Clayton Antitrust Act.
- Would receive triple the damages if convicted.
Woodrow Wilson’s Revenue Act of 1913
- Raised Tariffs.
- Created the Federal Income Tax.
Federal Reserve
-Central bank which helps create monetary policy, interest rates, and supervision of privately run banks.