The Federalist Era Flashcards
George Washington
Elected in 1792 and became the first president, federalist, supporter of the national bank, supported by the wealthy Northeast, sympathetic towards Britain.
Washington’s Cabinet
Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury- Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War- Henry Knox Attorney General- Edmond Randolph (VP)- John Adams
Problems the country faces
- Split on the role of the Federal gov.
(National bank, who controls the our military, what is our role in the world?) - Split on slavery
(Free states v. slave states, fugitive slave act)
Federalist Papers
- Persuasive articles arguing for a Federalist position published in a NYC newspaper
- Authored anonymously by J. Madison, A. Hamilton, and J. Jay
- Important in swaying NY opinion during this time period.
Alexander Hamilton
Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury; came-up with the National Bank; argued that if the U.S. adopted the National Bank, we would have more financial flexibility in paying off debts from the Revolutionary War/establishing lines of credit with foreign nations.
- Believed in a strong, centralized government.
- Emphasis on manufacturing & shipping.
- Loose interpretation of the Constitution.
- Favored the National Bank.
- Favored protective tariffs.
- Sympathetic towards Britain.
- Washington, Hamilton, Adams, Jay, Marshall
Democratic Republicans (Anti-Federalists)
- Believed in strong state governments.
- Emphasis on agriculture.
- Strict interpretation of the Constitution.
- Opposed the National Bank.
- Opposed protective tariffs.
- Sympathetic towards France.
- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe
The Compromise (National Bank)
For the National Bank to be passed through Congress, Hamilton needed Jefferson to convince the Democratic-Republicans to vote for the bank.
- National Bank gets established.
- Southern States would only had to pay a small portion of their war debts to Federal Government.
- Federal Capital would be moved from New York City to Washington D.C.
Whiskey Rebellion
- Began in 1791.
- Hamilton raises taxes on wheat..
- Poor, western Pennsylvanian farmers resist this new tax by refusing to pay.
The Federalist’s Argument
- Hamilton and Adams argued that getting involved in the French Revolution would cost money and create future enemies in Europe.
- The best thing for America to do was stay neutral.
Jay Treaty
- Signed November 19, 1794 and negotiated by John Jay.
- America and Great Britain agreed to at least 10 years of peaceful trades between the nations.
Virginia Resolves
- Written by Thomas Jefferson after Washington refuses to aid France in their revolution.
- Says that sates have the power to nullify certain federal laws they find unconstitutional.
Washington’s Farewell Address
- Washington opts not to run for a third term.
- Discouraged Americans from forming political parties.
- Encouraged America to stay neutral in foreign affairs.
Election of 1796
- John Adams (Federalist) vs. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican).
- John Adams becomes the 2nd president.
- Thomas Jefferson becomes Adam’s VP.
John Adams
2nd U.S. president; combative and argumentative with members of both parties; very opinionated; wanted to continue Washington’s policies.
- The French tried recruiting Americans as soldiers for their revolution.
- French seized American ships out in the open sea.
XYZ Affair
- Adams sent 3 diplomats to Paris in regards to the impressments to negotiate peace.
- French officials demand a bribe before negotiations can begin; diplomats refuse to comply with their demands.
- Adams replaced the names of the French diplomats with the letters ‘X,’ ‘Y,’ ‘Z.’
- Resulted in many people becoming angry with France.
Alien and Sedition Acts
- Citizenship requirements were raised from 5 years to 14 years.
- Authorized the President to deport ‘Aliens’ and permitted their arrest, imprisonment, and deportation during wartime.
- People were not allowed to speak-out against the government in any way.
The Logan Act
Criminalized unauthorized diplomatic negotiations.
Election of 1800
- Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams.
- Jefferson becomes president with Aaron Burr as his VP.
- Both are Democratic-Republicans.
The Midnight Judges
- The judges that Adams nominated before leaving office (all were loyal Federalists).
Marbury vs. Madison
- Justice John Marshall ruled that ruled that the Supreme Court has the authority of ‘judicial review’; they can interpret the Constitution and decide on the constitutionality of laws/ presidential orders.
- Court rules in favor of Madison.
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. president; America’s first Anti-Federalist president; his goal was to give the states more rights and to suppress the power of the Federal government.
The Louisiana Purchase
- In 1803, France sells the lands west of the Mississippi River to the U.S. for 2 million.
- This gives America access to New Orleans (one of the most important port cities).
- This gave more power to the Federal government.
Lewis & Clark
Jefferson appointed Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore and journal the newly acquired land.
- Member of the Shoshone tribe.
- Guided Lewis & Clark on their expedition.
- Was 16 and pregnant while on the voyage.
- Negotiated deals and alliances for Lewis & Clark.
Aaron Burr
Jefferson’s VP; Anti-Federalist; killed Hamilton in a duel; eventually brought-up on treason.
Embargo Act of 1807
- Jefferson boycotts trade with France & England.
- This upsets Anti-Federalists because this strengthens the power of the Federal gov.
Election of 1808
- Charles Pinckney (Federalist) vs. James Madison (Anti-Federalist).
- Madison wins.
James Madison
4th president; says that he is an Anti-Federalist; known as the ‘Father of the Constitution’; vetoed the National Bank; creates the Second National Bank.
War of 1812
- Madison told France & England that whoever ended their impressments first would receive a new trade offer from the U.S.
- France accepted these terms, England did not.
- U.S. declares war on England.
James Monroe
5th U.S. president; Virginia native; Anti-Federalist; worked closely with Madison as his Secretary of State and then later, as his Secretary of War.
Adams-Onis Treaty
- John Quincy Adams (Monroe’s Secretary of State) negotiates Adams-Onis Treaty.
- American buys Florida for 5 million.
McCulloch v. Maryland
- McCulloch (a banker from Maryland) refuses to pay the newly imposed taxes.
- The Supreme Court rules in favor of Maryland.
- Says that the Federal gov. has the right to regulate interstate trade/commerce.
Missouri Compromise
- Missouri was declared a slave state
- Maine would enter as a free state
- Future states would abide by the 36-30 line
(states that came in above the line would be free, states below the line would be slave).
The Monroe Doctrine
- Warning shot at Europe.
- Encouraged foreign nations to stay out of/ remove themselves from any influences in the Western Hemisphere.