The Plantations Flashcards
Describe Anglo Irish lords/Norman lords
🔹Descended from Normans
🔹Mix of Norman lords loyal and not loyal to England
🔹Some followed Brehon law and some followed common law
🔹Surnames like Fitz, Burke, Butler
🔹Most Catholic but some Protestant
What is the Pale?
Dublin and its surrounding areas, loyal to English king/queen
Describe the people of the pale
▪️Descended from Normans but completely loyal to king of England
▪️Adopted English customs
▪️Followed Common Law
Why did the plantations begin?
The English king, Henry VIII, wanted to take control of Ireland
What 3 methods did Henry try to use to take control of Ireland?
- Military Conquest
- Surrender and regrant
- Plantations
Describe Gaelic Lords
🔸Surnames with O' and Mc 🔸Descended from Celts 🔸Spoke Irish 🔸Followed Brehon Law 🔸Had glibs, men had moustaches, wore mantles and went barefoot 🔸Were Catholic
Who ordered the Laois-Offaly plantation?
Queen Mary I (Catholic)
How did Queen Mary I carry out her plantation?
☺She confiscated land from the O’Mores and the O’Connors
☺She divided up their land between settlers
Define settlers/planters
English/Scottish people who came to Ireland during the plantations
What were the conditions of the Laois-Offaly plantation?
- Had to build a stone house and defend themselves
2. They couldn’t employ Gaelic Irish labourers or have Gaelic Irish tenants
Why couldn’t settlers of the Laois-Offaly plantation have Gaelic Irish labourers or have Gaelic Irish tenants?
This was because the queen wanted to bring more English people to Ireland to spread their culture and customs
Were there any other changes of the Laois-Offaly plantation?
- Laois became Queen’s County. Portlaois became Maryborough
- Offaly became King’s County. Dangon became Philipstown
- Planters introduced Common Law-> each town had to have a court and a prison
Was the Laois-Offaly plantation a success? Why?
It was a failure:
- Not enough settlers came
- This forced them to employ Gaelic Irish Labourers
- O’Connors and the O’Mores kept attacking settlers’ land
Who ordered the Munster plantation?
Queen Elizabeth I (Protestant)
How did Queen Elizabeth carry out the Munster plantation?
○The Fitzgeralds rebelled against Queen Elizabeth but were defeated by her army.
○She confiscated their land and started the Munster plantation
○She divided up the plots into estates of 12,000, 8,000, 6,000 and 4,000 acres
○Each estate was given to a planter who was called an undertaker
What was the Desmond rebellion?
The Fitzgeralds were the most powerful family in Munster. Their leader was the Earl of Desmond. They were annoyed with the queen for interfering with their affairs. They rebelled but were defeated by Queen Elizabeth’s army
What were the conditions of the Munster plantation?
- They could not rent land to Gaelic Irish or employ them as labourers
- Had to provide their own soldiers
- Had to spread the Protestant religion and spread English customs
Were there any other changes of the Munster plantation?
♥The undertakes set up plantation towns such as Killarney, Co. Kerry, and Mallow, Co. Cork
♥They started new industries such as fishing, mining and timber
Was the Munster plantation a success? Why?
•It was a failure
1. Not enough planters came
2. They employed Gaelic Irish labourers and rented them land
•However there was an element of success:
1. English farming practices were introduces
2. Plantation towns grew and prospered
3. Parts of Munster still have strong Protestant populations
Who carried out the Ulster plantation?
King James I
What was the Nine Years War?
Hugh O’Neill began the Nine Years War in 1594 to resist English rule. Queen Elizabeth ruled at this time. Hugh O’Donnell joined in.They convinced the Spanish army to assist them but they landed in Kinsale, Co. Cork. O’Neill, O’Donnell and the Spanish were defeated at the Battle of Kinsale in 1601 by the English. They surrendered in 1603. In 1607, O’neill and O’Donnell, along with other Gaelic Irish lords and Earls, fled the Country to Spain in an event known as ‘The Flight of the Earls’.
How did King James carry out the Ulster plantation?
When O’Neill and O’Donnell never returned after ‘The Flight of the Earls’, King James confiscated their land and began the Plantation
What counties were involved in the official plantation of Ulster?
Derry, Donegal, Fermanagh, Cavan, Armagh, Tyrone
What three categories were settlers put into during the Ulster plantation?
- Undertakers: English/Scottish gentlemen
- Servitors: Soldiers of English Army
- Loyal Irish: Gaelic Irish landowners who swore obedience to the crown
What were the conditions for undertakers during the Ulster plantation?
♦Given 2,000 acres of land at £10 per year
♦English and Scottish tenants only
♦Must build a defensive tower with a bawn
What were the conditions for servitors during the Ulster plantation?
♦Given 1,500 acres of land at £12 per year
♦Could have Irish tenants
♦Must build stone house with a bawn
What were the conditions for loyal Irish during the Ulster plantation?
♦Given 1,000 acres of land for £10 per year
♦Could have Irish tenants
♦Had to build a bawn around house
♦Had to accept Common Law
Were there any other changes of the Ulster plantation?
- Plantation towns were built
2. Plantation of Londonderry
Describe a plantation town
►Had an outer stone wall
►Well organised and planned
►Straight, wide streets, leading to a central square or diamond
►Had a courthouse and a jail/prison
►Often built beside a river or coast-> good for trade
►Had a Protestant church
Describe the plantation of Londonderry
12 groups of London merchants joined together to form the plantation of Londonderry. e.g. Salterstown, Draperstown, Vinterstown etc. However they took on a lot of Irish tenants so it wasn’t as successful as hoped
Was the Ulster plantation a success? Why?
Yes, it was mostly a success:
►40,000 planters settled
►New farming methods introduced
►New trading posts
►New plantation towns
►Protestant religion introduced
►English and Scottish customs replaced Irish customs
►The English and Scottish introduced new industries such as the linen industry
But, religious differences/conflict over their British/Irish identity led to The Troubles
Who ordered the Cromwellian plantation?
Oliver Cromwell
How did Cromwell carry out the Cromwellian plantation?
He came to Ringsend, Dublin 1649 to avenge the deaths of the Protestants supposedly killed in a rebellion. He and his army marched to Drogheda and slaughtered everyone. They then marched south and took control of several towns. By 1653, Cromwell’s army had conquered all of Ireland. The planatation could now begin
What was the name of Cromwell’s army?
New Model Army
What did William Petty do?
Completed the Down Survey, a collection of maps of the whole of Ireland
What was the Act of Settlement
In 1652, Cromwell introduced the Act of Settlement which allowed him to confiscate people’s land
How did Cromwell carry out the Cromwellian plantation?
- He introduced the Act of Settlement which allowed him to confiscate peoples’ land
- Wealthy Catholic landowners were given the choice to move across the Shannon into Connaught or face death
- Irish soldiers were allowed to leave the country
- Widows, orphans and beggars were sent to the West Indies
- Catholic priests were targeted in an effort to spread Protestantism
- Cromwell gave some of the land to soldiers of the New Model Army and some to adventurers
Was the Cromwellian plantation a success? Why?
►It was mainly a success
►Some of Cromwell’s soldiers sold their land to the Irish
►Not many new English and Scottish settlers came
►Catholic landowners were replaced by Protestant landowners
►Protestant landowners rented their land to Catholic tenants. Protestants lived in ‘Big Houses’ while the Catholics worked the land
Who were known as the ‘Protestant Ascendency’?
The Protestant landowners became rich and powerful and began to be known as ‘The Protestant Ascendancy’ because they controlled the land, the towns, the legal system and the political system
Describe the religious consequences of the plantations
○Catholics lost all rights to land and property. This created enormous division between Catholics and Protestants
○The new Protestant landlords feared the Catholics would try to reclaim their land, so laws were introduced against Catholics. These were called the Penal Laws
Describe the political consequences of the plantations
○The Protestant Ascendancy replaced the Old Gaelic chieftains as owners of the land
○For the next 200 years, the Protestant ruling class controlled Ireland
○Many landlords served as local magistrates or judges which gave them enormous power
○Penal laws prevented Catholics from being involved in the political life of the country
○Brehon law was forbidden, only Common law was allowed
○There was a sheriff in every county and a constable in every parish
Describe the cultural consequences of the plantations
○Many settlers built houses different to Irish ones. These were copied by the Irish and soon became common
○The new towns developed by the planters were different to medieval ones
○Over 250,000 English and Scottish people settle in Ireland which had a huge impact on Irish population
○English was more widely spoken, Irish music, poetry and folklore declined
○Irish clothes changed; they stopped wearing gibs and mantles
Describe a common English house around the time of the plantations
♣Two stories
♣Made of timber and stone
♣Had brick chimney to take out smoke
♣Were comfortable inside