Iron Age and the Celts Flashcards
What written evidence have we of the celts
A) the Greeks and Romans wrote about them a they were mighty warriors
b) irish monks after 500AD wrote about them in their annals
c) the Táin is a famous book about the celts
When did the Iron Age begin in Ireland
500 BC
The Rí
He was the king of the tuath. He was chosen from the derbhfine by the nobles. He had to be fit and strong and a good leader so he could win battles
Had a reputation of being fierce. Sometimes went to battle naked. Fought with iron swords, spears and axes
Aos dána
People with special skills ie brehons, Druids, fillí and craftsmen
Quite poor but played an important role on supplying the tuath with food
Captured in battle, worked without pay for the Rí and nobles
Underground passage ways found in ring forts which may have been used when under attack
What archaeological evidence so we have of the celts?
We have found lots if Celtic jewellery, iron tools and weapons and settlements
Describe the appearance of a Celtic man
🔹Made their own clothes from linen and wool
🔹Cloaks fastened with brooches
🔹Trousers to the knee
🔹Brightly coloured tunics
🔹Loved wearing gold jewellery
🔹Describe as tall and muscular with blonde hair and fair skin
Describe the appearance of a Celtic woman
🔸made their own clothes from linen and wool
🔸Cloaks fastened with brooches
🔸Gold jewellery
🔸Ankle length tunics
What are ogham stones?
Standing stones with a form of writing called ogham marked onto them (lines and dashes). Marked field boundaries an gravestones
Describe ringforts
▫️Circular structure surrounded by a ditch
▫️Inside were circular houses made of wood with thatched roof
▫️Timber or wattle fence built around ditch
Describe crannógs
🔻Lake dwelling
🔻Surrounded by wattle fence
🔻Some had watch towers
How are crannógs built?
Built with many layers of mud, wood, branches, stones and platforms of logs
How are crannógs accessed?
🔸Dug out canoe
🔸Hidden stepping stones
Describe hillforts
- Similar structure to ringforts but bigger and situated on high ground which made it good for defence
- Had a series of ditches and bants
Give an example of a famous celtic torc
Broighter Torc
When did the celts discover how to make glass?
What did the celts eat?
Beef, pork, venison, fish, cheese, butter and drank milk and ale
What did the celts use to cook the food?
Cooked on a spit, cauldron, or fulacht fiadh
When did the celts convert to Christianity?
5th century
What does polytheistic mean?
To believe in many gods
How did the celts bury their dead?
Cremated the dead and placed the ashes in small mounds