The Industrial Revolution Flashcards
Why did population growth affect the Industrial Revolution?
Population growth encouraged the industrial revolution because there was a greater demand for food and products. They needed faster ways to produce more food and products
Four-field crop rotation
Invented by Charles Townsend. It meant that instead of having a fallow field, farmers would grow turnips and clover and more wheat
Selective breeding
Robert Bakewell developed the practice of only breeding animals that put on weight quickly. His cattle produced more milk, his sheep had more wool and his horses were stronger so they could work harder
The seed drill
Invented by Jethro Tull. They buried the seed deep into the ground so the birds couldn’t eat them. Benefit; more crops produced
Flying shuttle
The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. Its function; he put wheels on the shuttle which made it faster and easier to use. Benefit; it made weaving quicker, and produced more fabric
Spinning jenny
The spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves. Its function; it spun seven threads at once. Benefit; it made spinning yarn faster. It produced more thread
Water frame
The water frame was invented by Richard Arkwright. Its function; allowed spinning of hundreds of yarns at the same time. Run by water power. Benefits; it produced more thread
Power loom
The power loom was invented by Edmund Cartwright. Its function; weaving. Benefit; could be powered by water/steam. Sped up weaving
Rotative beam steam engine
The rotation of the steam engine was invented by James Watt. Function; Used in factories for powering machines (Spinney Jenny’s). Also it powered steam ships and railway locomotives. Benefit; it powered machines which meant they produce more cloth quicker
Enclosed farms into separate farms for each farmer. Ended the system of having all farmers sharing one piece of land.
What was the benefit of enclosure?
The animals no longer grazed in the one area. Therefore, disease was less likely to wipe out everyone’s herds. Also, farmers could try out new methods of farming on their farms without risking everyone else’s crops
What was the disadvantage of enclosure?
Poorer farmers/ labourers couldn’t afford to buy their own land. This causes huge unemployment
What were the results of the Agricultural revolution?
►Wide availability of cheap food
►Further increased population
►New machinery and not enough jobs in agriculture led to more people moving to cities in search of work in factories
Who built the Worsley to Manchester Canal for the Duke of Bridgewater?
James Brindley
What did John McAdam do?
Used stone chippings to pave roads. This allowed water to drain through so roads were less muddy
What did Thomas Telford do?
Built roads with layers of roads and stone. He put drainage ditches on the sides
What were Turnpike roads?
Excellent roads built by business men. Charged tolls to use these roads
Stage coaches
Public coaches pulled by horses
Bianconi Car
Invented by Charles Bianconi. Passengers sat back to back. Pulled by horses
What did Richard Trevithic invent?
‘Catch Me Who Can’
What did George Stephenson invent?
‘The Rocket’
During the Industrial Revolution, what did working class people living in the slums eat?
Some would eat potato with a bit of bacon. The very poor ate porridge, bread, cheese and potatoes
During the Industrial Revolution, what did the upper class eat?
Fish, beef, soup, ham, roast chicken/mutton and plum cake. Richer women drank tea or coffee and men drank port
What did James Simpson do?
He used chloroform to lessen pain
What did Edward Jenner do?
Discovered a cure for smallpox
When was the Public Health Act passed and what did it do?
The Public Health Act was passed in 1842 and this set up proper sewers and water pipes and the streets were cleaned
What did the 1833 Factory Acts do?
Banned children under 9 from working
What did the 1844 Factory Acts do?
Said children under 13 could only work 6 hours per day