The interactionist approach to SZ Flashcards
Interactionist approach
a way to explain the development of behaviour in terms of a range of factors, including both biological and psychological ones
Diathesis-stress model
both a vulnerability of schizophrenia and a stress-tigger are necessary in order for it to develop.
Also called the ‘Biosocial approach’ which is
acknowledges different factors in the development of SZ
biological factors
genetic vulnerability, neurochemical and neurological abnormality
Psychological factors
stress eg from life events and daily hassles
Social factors
poor quality interactions in family
diathesis literal meaning
stress literal meaning
negative experience
Meehls’s model
- In the original model, diathesis was entirely genetic and as a result of a single ‘schizogene’
- Led to biologically based idea of schizotypic personality with one characteristic of being sensitive to stress
- So if the person does not have the schizogene then no amount of stress could cause the disorder
- However, in carriers of the gene, chronic stress in childhood would, in particular having a schizophrenogenic mother, could result in the development of the disorder
Modern understanding of diathesis
- Many genes actually increase genetic vulnerability
- No schizogene (Ripke et al)
- Range of factors beyond just genetic, including psychological trauma (Ingram and Luxton) so trauma becomes the diathesis rather than the stressor
Read et al
Modern understanding of diathesis
proposed a neurodevelopmental model in which early trauma alters the developing brain
* Child abuse can seriously affect brain development
* Eg the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA system can become overactive, making a person more vulnerable to later stress
Modern understanding of stress
- A modern definition of stress includes anything that risks triggering schizophrenia (Houston et al)
- Recent research has included cannabis as a risk factor
- It can increase the risk of schizophrenia by up to 7 times according to the dose
- It could be because cannabis interferes with the dopamine system
- But most people don’t develop SZ from smoking cannabis
Treatment according to the interactionist model
- Acknowledges both biological and psychological factors
- Combines antipsychotic medication and psychological therapies like CBT
Turkington et al
Treatment according to the interactionist model
shows that it is possible to believe in the biological cause of SZ and still benefit from CBT to relieve psychological symptoms.
* But must use interactionist model
* Cannot adopt purely biological approach because of psychological symptoms
In the UK, a combination of treatments is normally used. But this is not the case in the USA.
Support for vulnerability and triggers
- Large scale study by Tienari et al investigated impact of genetic vulnerability and psychological trigger
- 19,000 Finnish children whose biological mothers had SZ
- In adulthood, this group were compared to control group of adoptees without family history
- High levels of criticism, hostility and low levels of empathy parenting styles increase risk in genetic group
Combination can increase stress to SZ
Diathesis and stress are complex
- The original model is hopelessly simplistic
- Multiple genes and combinations influence diathesis
- Stress can be biological and psychological
Houston et al researched childhood sexual abuse emerged as the major influence on underlying vulnerability to SZ and cannabis as a major trigger
Supports modern understanding
- Combining treatments enhances effectiveness
- Tarrier et al randomly allocated 315 participants to medication and CBT, medication and counselling, or control group of medication only
- Participants in the 2 condition groups showed lower symptoms but there was no difference in hospital readmission
Clear practical advantage to adopting an interactionist approach to SZ
counterpoint to RWA
- Jarvis and Okami point out that saying that a successful treatment for mental disorder justifies a particular explanation is the logical equivalent of saying that alcohol reduces shyness
- Logical error is called the treatment-causation fallacy
Therefore we cannot automatically assume that the success of combined therapies means interactionist explanations are correct