Gender bias ID Flashcards
any underlying characteristic of human beings that is capable of being applied to all, despite differences of experience and upbringing
gender bias
when considering human behaviour, bias is a tendency to treat one individual or group in a different way from others
andocentrism def
male-centred, when ‘normal’ behaviour is judged to a male standard
alpha bias def
research that focuses on differences between men and women, and therefore tends to present a view that exaggerates these differences
beta bias def
research that focuses on similarities between men and women, and therefore tends to present a view that ignores or minimises differences
universality and bias
All psychologists’ beliefs and values have been influenced by various factors. The beliefs may be biased, which inevitably means that bias in the research process can not be stopped. Bias also undermines psychology’s claim to universality that conclusions drawn can be applied to everyone.
alpha bias explanation
Psychological research that exaggerates differences, which are often fixed and inevitable. Sometimes, these differences heighten the value of women, but more often they devalue women in relation to men.
Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages:
- Phallic stage → both genders develop desire for opposite-gender parent
- Creates strong castration anxiety in boys
- This is resolved when boy identifies with father
- Girls eventual identification with mothers is weaker, so superego is weaker
- Therefore women are morally inferior to boys
Chodorow challenging freud
daughters and mothers have a greater connectedness than sons and mothers because of biological similarities. As a result of the child’s closeness, women develop better abilities to bond with others and empathise.
beta bias explanation
Psychological research that ignores or underestimates differences. Happens when the assumption is made that research findings apply to both men and women equally.
fight or flight
beta bias
- Biological research favoured using male animals because female behaviour is affected by regular hormone changes due to ovulation
- Ignores any possible differences
- Early research assumed that both males and females respond to threatening situation with fight or flight
Taylor et al claimed that fight or flight is false:
- Tend and befriend response
- Women have more ‘love’ hormone oxytocin
- Women respond to stress by increasing oxytocin production
- Reduces fight or flight response
beta bias conclusion
Therefore, research that minimises gender differences may result in a misrepresentation of women’s behaviour. But there have been studies where men were misrepresented e.g. the role of the father in attachment.
Over time psychology has presented a what dominated world?
a male-dominated version of the world, e.g. the APA published a list of the 100 most influential psychologists which only included 6 women. Thus suggesting that psychology has traditionally been a subject produced by men, for men and about men.
Feminist view on andocentric psychology
Feminists objected to the diagnostic category premenstrual syndrome e.g. medicating women’s emotions by explaining them in hormonal terms. However, mens anger is seen as a rational response to external pressures - Brescoll and Uhlmann.
biological vs social explanations - Gender differences often presented as fixed when they aren’t
- Maccoby and Jacklin presented findings of several gender studies
- Concluded that girls have superior verbal ability and boys have better spatial ability
- They suggested that these differences are ‘hardwired’ into the brain before birth
- Joel et al used brain scanning and found no sex differences in brain structure or processing
- So it is possible that Maccoby and Jacklin’s research was popularised
We should be wary of accepting research findings
counterpoint for bio vs social explanations
- Psychologists should not avoid studying gender differences in the brain
- Ingalhalikar et al suggests that stereotype of women being better at multitasking may have some biological truth
- Women’s brain benefit from better connections between left and right hemisphere than in a man’s brain
Biological differences but er should still be wary of exaggerating behaviour.
sexism in research
- Women remain underrepresented in STEM
- Although psychologies undergraduate is mostly women, lecturers tend to be men - Murphey et al
- Research is more likely to be conducted by men, disadvantaging female participants
- Eg a male might expect a women to be irrational and unable to complete complex tasks - Nicolson
- Likely to mean that women underperform in research studies
Institutional structures and methods as psychology may produce findings that are gender-biased
Gender-biased research -
Research challenging gender biases may not be published
- Fornanowicz et al analysed 1000 articles relating to gender bias, published over 8 years
- Research on gender bias is funded less often and published by less prestigious journals
- Fewer scholars become aware of this or apply it in their own work
Gender bias in psychological research may not be taken as seriously as other forms if bias