Explanations for gambling addiction: cognitive theory AD Flashcards
Cognitive bias
a distortion of attention, memory and thinking. It arises because of how we process information about the work, especially when we do it quickly.
People who start gambling usually EXPECT that the benefits will outweigh the costs, yet some people will overestimate the benefits and underestimate the costs.
They may also have unrealistic EXPECTATIONS on how gambling can help with their emotions.
So people with distorted EXPECTATIONS are more likely to become addicted.
Rickwood et al classify cognitive biases into 4 categories:
- Skill and judgement
- Personal traits/ritual behaviours
- Selective recall
- Faulty perceptions (gambler’s fallacy)
self efficacy
This refers to the expectations we have about our ability to achieve a desired outcome, and is a key element in relapse. It is a cognitive process because it is based on expectations and perceptions.
What can set up a self fulfilling prophecy?
The expectation that they will gamble again as they do not believe that they can stop permenantly.
Griffiths procedure
- Used ‘thinking aloud’ method (introspection) to compare processes of regular slot machine gamblers to occasional users
- A content analysis classified participants verbalised thoughts into rational or irrational categories.
- A semi-structured interview was then used to ask participants about the degree of skill needed for slot machines.
Griffiths findings
- Found no differences in occasional and regular gamblers in objective behavioural measures.
- Regular gamblers made almost 6 times as many irrational verbalisations as the occasionals
- They were particularly prone to an illusion of control eg ‘Im going to bluff this machine’.
- Regular gamblers overestimated the amount of skill required to win at slot machines and considered themselves to be very skillful at it.
research support - role of cognitive biases
- Michalczuk et al studied 30 gambling addicts, comparing them with 30 control participants
- Addicted gamblers showed significantly higher levels of gambling related cognitive-biases
- Gamblers were more impulsive, meaning they are likely to think bias during play
Supports the view that there is a strong cognitive component to gambling addiction.
counterpoint of research support
- Cognitive biases were measured using the Gambling-related cognitions scale
- Scores participants on 5 types of bias
- The score could mean that the gambler has frequent biassed conditions
- Or the score might reflect a gamblers tendency to use their beliefs to justify their behaviour
The findings of the study may not reflect a gambler’s actual beliefs about gambling.
Further research support for cognitive biases
- McCusker and Gettings used a stroop task
- Participants had to quickly identify colours of words
- In turn paying attention to one thing (the colour) and not another (word meaning)
- Addicted gamblers took longer to perform this task than controls but only when the words related to gambling
- Unable to prevent the work meaning from interfering with the intended task
Gamblers hace cognitive biases to pay attention to gambling-related information
Methodological problem -
Use of ‘thinking aloud’ in research
- Dickerson and O’Connor found that what people say in gambling situations does not necessarily represent what they really think
- Researchers may get a misleading impression that gamblers thought processes are irrational when they are not
Findings may not be valid because gamblers’ utterances do not express their genuine beliefs.