the indian mutiny and impact Flashcards
when was the indian mutiny?
may 1857
causes of the indian mutiny:
indian armies mutinied after refusing to bite cartridges before loading them into enfield rifles - cows are holy in hinduism and muslims can’t eat pork
misionaries sent to india to spread chrisitanity - indians didn’t like this
causes of the indian mutiny:
intervention in customs - attack on thugi
caste pollution - people were forced to go overseas, breaking their position in society
cuts to pay higher taxes - exports received very low prices
political annexation and westernisation
deliberate policies of westernisation
english made the official language of law, administration and education.
some traditional religious practices outlawed - sutee and other sacrificial rituals.
criminal bands known as thugee are suppressed.
annexation (claiming states for the british eic) continues extensively:
under governor general lord dalhousie (1848 - 1856) princely states of astara, jaitpur, sambalpur, bhagat, udaipur, jhansi, nagpur, tore and awadh/oudh claimed under doctrine of lapse - if a ruler died without a male heir, or if their rule was judged to be incompetent, the state was claimed
events of the mutiny
of the 40,000 men who beseiged lucknow, 20,000 were peasants, so it wasn’t just sepoys
estimated 11,000 british and 100,000 indians died
muslims and hindus united
of the 8000 Indians who fought the british in cawnpore (kanpur), only
1000 were Sepoys - the rest were peasants from surrounding villages
what happened at the cawnpore massacre?
a small group of fewer than 1000 british men, women and children surrendered to rebel forces after a siege and facing starvation.
when british east india company rescue force arrived, a massacre of over 200 british women and children took place.
bodies thrown down a well
rebels refused to surrender and threw dead bodies of women and children over the walls.
the rebellion was soon crushed.
captured sepoys were forced to lick the blood of their victims then hanged
some were forced to eat beef (if hindu) or pork (if muslim) before being executed by people of a lower caste
what did the british use the cawnpore massacre to justify?
harsh retaliation
why did the mutiny fail?
localised in 1 major area
absence of military leadership
lack of coordination
limited areas of rebellion
conflicting aims
sikhs, gurkas and many punjabi troops stayed loyal
bengali elites, bombay businessmen and tamil educated elites supported british rule
massive repression
consequences of the rebellion
the involvement of the east india company in the machinery of british rule was ended
it marked the beginning of total british rule
british indian army reformed
the british adopted a policy of appeasement which aimed to pacify the grievances of the power brokers in old india
sepoys not allowed to use artillery and not allowed a promotion to an officer
abolished east india company
india taken under direct british control in 1858
in 1877, queen victoria took the title of empress of india
more collaboration with elites - doctrine of lapse removed
stopped sending christian missionaries
pre 1857:
east india company had respect for law, order, administration, trade. defence and diplomacy
doctrine of lapse - east india company took over princely states if there was no male heir
pre 1857:
sepoys used by east india company to help consolidate control
premotion restricted until 1816
145 of east india company were white
pre 1857:
westernisation started by east india company
built railways and canals
britain dominated industrial goods and priced out local businesses
conditions very poor
pre 1857:
elites could afford education
schools built by east india comapny to help spread english
pre 1857:
respected indian culture
dressed like indians
inter racial marriage
post 1857:
government of india act 1858.
east india comapny involvement ended.
britain rule India directly- viceroy council of indian affairs.
india now known as british raj- indian civil service placed under indian secretary of state.
new india office set up in london.
doctrine of lapse ended.
queen victoria made empress india 1877
post 1857:
sepoy’s no longer allowed to be officers or use artillery.
disloyal units disbanded.
gurkhas and sikhs promoted
more british units.
greater respect for religious beliefs.
divide and rule tactic used.
whites now made up 1/3 of the army
post 1857:
zaminders/landlords and indigenous elite were more favoured.
more ailways built to help control rebellion
british industry still dominates
factory acts 1890’s restricted child labour- but designed to protect british interests in lancashire and didn’t apply to tea plantations
post 1857:
mary carpenter built many schools for girls and teacher education college
some indian universities built
english feared educated Indians
very hard for Indians to pass ics exams- had to be aged 19 travel to london learn latin and greek
post 1857:
after mutiny the separation of indians and english increased.
many english felt they were superior to indians.
indians excluded from professional jobs/ segregated train carriages/hotels/ parks/ clubs