The Human Body Flashcards
the body cavity that contains the major organs of digestion and excretion; located below diaphragm above the
the depression on lateral pelvis where it’s three component bones join, in which the femoral head fits snugly
Adam’s apple or thyroid cartilage
firm prominence of cartilage that forms the upper part of the larynx. Is more prominent in men than women
adenosine triphosphate ATP
nucleotide involved in energy metabolism ; used to store energy
adrenal glands
endocrine glands located on top of the kidneys that release adrenaline when stimulated by sympathetic nervous system
pertaining to nerves that release the neurotransmitter nurofen a friend, or noradrenaline
aerobic metabolism
metabolism that can proceed only in the presence of oxygen
agonal gasps
abnormal breathing pattern characterized by slow, gasping breaths, sometimes seen in patients in cardiac arrest
Alpha adrenergic receptors
portions of the nervous system that when stimulated can cause constriction of blood vessels
the air sacs of the lungs in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place
anaerobic metabolism
metabolism that takes place in absence of oxygen; the main by-product is lactic acid
anatomic position
position of reference in which the patient stands facing forward, arms at the side, with Palms of the hands forward
the main artery leaving the left side of the heart and caring freshly oxygenated blood to the body
appendicular skeleton
the portion of the skeletal system that comprises the arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulder girdle
hey small, tubular structure that is attached to the lower border of the cecum of the abdominal
the smallest branches of the arteries leading in the vast network of capillaries
articular cartilage
paperly layer of specialized cartilage covering the articular surfaces of bones in the synovial joints
one of the two upper chambers of the heart
autonomic nervous system
the part of the nervous system that regulates functions, such as digestion and sweating, that are not controlled voluntarily
axial skeleton
the part of the skeleton comprising the skull, spinal column, and rib cage
ball and socket joint
a joint that allows internal and external rotation, as well as bending
beta adrenergic receptors
portions of the nervous system that, when stimulated, can cause increase in the force of contraction of the heart, and increase heart rate, and bronchial dilation
the large muscle that covers a front of the humerus
bile ducts
the ducks that can Vibe I’ll between the liver and the intestine
blood pressure
the pressure that the blood exerts against the walls of the arteries as it passes through them
brachial artery
the major vessel in the upper extremities that supplies blood to the arm
controlling organ of the body and center of consciousness; functions include perception, control reactions to the environment, emotional response, and judgment
brain stem
area of the brain between the spinal cord and cerebrum, surrounded by the cerebellum; controls functions that are necessary for life, such as respiration
capillary vessels
the tiny blood vessels between the arterioles and venules that permit transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and wastes between body tissue and blood
cardiac muscle
the heart muscle
cardiac output Co
a measure of the volume of blood circulated by the heart in one minute, calculated by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate
carotid artery
the major artery that supplies Blood to the Head and brain
the smooth connective tissue that forms the support structure the skeletal system and provides cushion between bones; also forms and nasal septum and portions of the outer ear
the first part of the large intestine, into which the ileum opens
central nervous system
the brain and spinal cord
one of the three major subdivisions of the brain, sometimes called the little brain; coordinates the various activities of the brain, particularly fine body movements
cerebrospinal fluid CSF
fluid production in the ventricles of the brain that flows in the subarachnoid space and bathes in the meninges
the largest part of the three subdivisions of the brain, sometimes called the gray matter; made up of several lobes that control movement, hearing, balance, speech, visual perception, emotions and personality
cervical spine
the portion of the spinal column consisting of the first seven vertebrae that lie in the neck
chordae tendineae
then bands of fibrous tissues that attach to the valves in the heart and prevent them from inverting
the substance that leaves the stomach. eaten Foods and stomach facets
circulatory system
the complex arrangement of connected tubes, including the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins, the moves blood, oxygen nutrients, carbon dioxide, and cellular wastes throughout the body
the collarbon; is lateral to the sternum anterior to the scapula
the last three or four vertebrae of the spine tailbone
Coronel plane
an imaginary plane where the body is divided into front and back parts
area of the head above the ears and eyes the skull the cranium contains the brain
cricoid cartilage
a firm Ridge of cartilage that forms the lower part of the larynx
cricothyroid membrane
a thin sheet of fascia that connects the thyroid and cricoid cartilage that makes up the larynx
Dead Space
any portion of the airway that does not contain air and cannot participate in gas exchange, such as trachea and bronchi
the inner layer of skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels
a muscular Dome that forms the undersurface of the thorax, separating the chest from the abdominal cavity. contraction of this brings air into the lungs. Relaxation allows air to expel from the lungs.
the relaxation, or period of relaxation, of the heart, especially after the ventricles
movement of gas from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
the process of food that nourishes the individual soul the body
dorsalis pedis artery
the artery on the anterior surface of the foot between the first and second metatarsals
endocrine system
the complex message and control system that integrates many body functions, including the release of hormones.
substances designed to speed up the rate of specific biochemical reactions
the outer layer of skin, which is made up of cells that are sealed together to form a watertight protective covering for the body
Ethan, leave shape valve that allows air to pass into the trachea but prevents Food and liquid from entering
Adrenaline produced by The General medulla that has a vital role in the function of the sympathetic nervous system
a collapsible to that extends from the pharynx to the stomach; muscle contractions Propel food and liquids through it to the stomach
expiratory Reserve volume
the amount of air that can be expelled from a normal exhalation
the straightening of a joint
fallopian tubes
long, slender tubes that extend from the uterus to the region of the ovary on the same side and through which the ovum passes from the ovary to the uterus
femoral artery
the major artery of the thigh, a continuation of the external iliac artery. IT Supplies blood to the lower abdominal wall, external genitalia, and lakes. It can be palpated in the groin area
femoral head
the proximal end of the femur, articulating with the acetabulum to form the hip joint
the thigh bone
the bending of a joint
foramen magnum
a large opening at the base of the skull through which the brain connects to the spinal cord
frontal bone
portion of the cranium that forms the forehead
a sack on the undersurface of the liver that collects bile from the liver and discharges it into the duodenum through the common bile duct
genital system
reproductive system in men and women
germinal layer
the deepest layer of the epidermis where new skin cells are formed
greater trochanter
bony prominence on the proximal lateral side of the thigh, just below the hip joint
hair follicles
the small organs that produce hair
a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the body
heart rate
number of heartbeats during a specific time usually 1 minute
hinge joint
George that convened in straighten but cannot rotate
substances formed in specialized Oregon’s or glands and carry to another Oregon or group of cells in the same organism; regulate many body functions, including metabolism, growth and body temperature
supporting bone of the upper arm
hydrostatic pressure
the pressure of water against the walls of its container
hypoxic Drive
a backup system to control respiration; senses drops in the oxygen levels in the blood
one of three bones that fuse to form the pelvic ring
inferior vena cava
one of the two largest veins in the body; carries blood from the lower extremities and the pelvic and abdominal organs to the heart.
inspiratory Reserve volume
the amount of air that can be inhaled after a normal inhalation; amount of air that can be inhaled in addition to normal tidal volume
interstitial space
the space in between the cells
involuntary muscle
muscle over which a person has no conscious control. It is found in many automatic regulated systems of the body
one of three bones that fuse from the public ring
joint (articulation)
place where two bones come into contact
2 retroperitoneal organs xr8 the end products of metabolisms that urine and regulate the body salt and water content
labored breathing
use of muscles of the chest, back, and abdomen to assist in expanding the chest; occurs when air movement is impaired
lactic acid
metallic by product of the breakdown of glucose accumulates when metabolism precedes in absence of oxygen ( anaerobic metabolism)
large intestine
the portion of the digestive to that in circles you have Dom and round the small bowel, consisting of the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. helps regulate water balance and eliminate Solid Waste
lesser trochanter
projection on the medial Superior portion of the femur
a band of fibrous tissue that connects bones to Bone. It supports and strengthens of joints
a large, solid organ that lies in the right upper quadrant immediately below the diaphragm ; it produces bile, stores glucose for immediate use by the body, and produces many substances that help regulate immune responses.
lumbar spine
the lower part of the back, formed by the lowest 5 nonfused vertebrae; also called the dorsal spine
Heath Inn, straw-colored fluid that carries oxygen, nutrients and hormones to the cells and carries waste products of metabolism away from the cells and back into the capillaries so that they may be exerted
lymph nodes
tiny, oval shaped structures located in various places along the lymph vessels filter lymph
the bone of the lower jaw
the upper corner of the sternum
the upper jaw bones that assist in the formation of the orbit, the nasal cavity, and the palate and hold the upper teeth
medulla oblongata
nerve tissue that is continuous and fear of the spinal cord; serves as a conduction pathway for ascending and descending nerve tracks; coordinates heart rate, blood vessel diameter, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, and sneezing
metabolism (cellular respiration)
the biochemical process that results in production of energy from nutrients within cells
the part of the brain that is responsible for helping the to regulate the level of consciousness
midsagittal plane (midline)
imaginary vertical line drawn from the middle of the forehead through the nose and umbilicus(navel) to the floor, dividing the body into equal left and right halves.
minute volume (minute ventilation)
the volume of air that moves in and out of the lungs per minute; calculated by multiplying the title volume of respiratory rate
motor nerves
nerves that carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles of the body
mucous membrane
lining of body cavities and passages that communicate directly indirectly with the environment outside the body
the watery secretion of the mucous membrane that lubricates the body open
musculoskeletal system
the bones and voluntary muscles of the body
the heart muscle
the part of the pharynx that lies above the level of the roof of the mouth, or palate.
nervous system
the system that controls virtually all activities of the body both voluntary and involuntary
can you transmitter and Drug sometimes used in treatment of shock; produces vasoconstriction through its Alpha stimulator properties
the most posterior portion of the cranium
oncotic pressure
the pressure of water to move, typically into the capillary, as a result of the presence of plasma protein
the eye socket, made up of the maxilla and zygoma
a tubular structure that extends vertically from the back of the mouth to the esophagus and trachea
female glands that produce sex hormones and ova (eggs)
a flat, solid organ that lies below the liver and the stomach; is a major source of digestive enzyme and produces the hormone insulin
parasympathetic nervous system
a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system, involved in control of involuntary functions, immediately large by the vagus nerve through the chemical acetylcholine.
palatial bones
the bones that lie between the temporal and occipital region of the cranium
the kneecap
the study of how normal physiology processes affected by disease
the circulation of oxygenated blood within and Oregon or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells current needs
peripheral nervous system pns
the part of the nervous system that consists of 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves. these may be sensory nerves, motor nerves, or connecting nerves
the wave-like contraction of smooth muscles by which the ureters or other typical organs Propel their contents
a sticky, yellow fluid that carries the blood cells and nutrients and transport cells waste material to organs of exertion
tiny, this shape elements that are much smaller than the cells; they are essentially in the initial formation of a blood clot, the mechanism that stops bleeding
the serious membrane covering the lungs and lining the thorax, completely enclosing a potential space known as a pleural space
pleural space
the potential space between the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura;
an organ that lies between the midbrain and above the medulla and contains numerous important nerve fiber, including those for Sleep, respiration, and the medullary respiration Center
posterior tibial artery
the artery just behind the medial malleolus; supplies blood to the foot
prostate glands
a small gland that surrounds the male urethra where emergence from the urinary bladder; it secretes a fluid that is part of the ejaculatory fluid
pubic symphysis
a hard, bony, and cartilaginous prominence found at the midline and the lowermost portion of abdomin with a two halves of the pelvic ring are joined by cartilage at a joint with minimal motion
one of three bones that fuse to form the pelvic ring
pulmonary artery
the major artery leading from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs; carries oxygen poor blood
pulmonary circulation (lesser circulation)
the flow of blood from the right ventricle through the pulmonary arteries and all the branches in capillaries in the lungs and back to the left atrium through the venules and pulmonary veins
pulmonary veins
the four veins that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart
the way of of pressure created as a heart contracts and forces Blood Out the left ventricle and into the major arteries
radial artery
major artery in the forearm; palpable at the wrist on the thumb side
the bone on the thumb side of the forearm
the lowermost end of the colon
red blood cells (erythrocytes)
so they carry oxygen to the body’s tissue
renal pelvis
hey Khan shaped area that collects urine from the kidneys and funnels it through the ureter into the bladder
residual volume
the air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration
the inhaling and exhaling of air; exchanges carbon dioxide from fresh air
respiration compromise
the inability of the body to move gas effectively
respiratory system
all the structures of the body that contribute to the process of breathing, consisting of the upper and lower Airways and their component parts
reticular activity system
located in the upper brain stem. responsible for maintenance of Consciousness, specifically ones level of arousal
behind the abdominal cavity
sacroiliac joint
the connection point between the pelvis and the vertebral column
one of three bones that make up the pelvic ring. Sacrum and two pelvic bones
sagittal (lateral) plane
an imaginary line where the body is divided into left and right parts
salivary glands
the glands that produce saliva to keep the mouth and pharynx moist
the thick skin covering the cranium, which usually Bears hair
shoulder blade
sebaceous glands
glands that produce an oily substance called 7, which discharged along the shaft of the hairs
fluid ejaculation from the penis and containing sperm
seminal vessels
storage sacks for sperm and seminal fluid, which empty into the urethra at the prostate
sensory nerve
the nerves that carry Sensational such as touch, taste, smell, heat, cold, and pain from the body to the central nervous system
an abnormal State associated with inadequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cells of the body, also known as hyperperfusion
shoulder girdle
the proximal portion of the upper extremities, made up with a clavicle, the scapula, and the humerus
skeletal muscle
muscle that is attached to bones and usually crosses at least one joint ; straited, or voluntary, muscle
the framework that gives the body its recognizable form; also designed to allow motion of the volume protect the vital organs.
small intestine
the portion of the digestive tube between the stomach and the cecum, consisting of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum
smooth muscle
involuntary muscle
somatic nervous system
the part of the nervous system that regulates activities over which there is voluntary control
muscles arranged in circles that are able to decrease the diameter of tubes. examples found within the rectum, bladder, blood vessels
device used to measure blood pressure
spinal cord
extension of the brain, composed of virtually all the nerves carrying messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Lies inside and it protects Itself by the spinal canal
the breastbone
stratum corneum layer
the outmost or dead layer of the skin
stroke volume SV
volume of blood pumped forward with each ventricle contraction
subconscious tissue
tissues, largely fat, that lies directly under the dermis and serves as an insulator of the body
superior vena cava
one of the two largest veins in the body; carries blood from the upper extremities, head, neck and chest Into the Heart
sweat glands
glands that secrete sweat, located in the dermal layer of the skin
a type of joint that has grown together to form a very stable connection
synovial fluid
the smallest amount of liquid within a joint used as lubrication
synovial membrane
the lining of a joint that secretes synovial fluid into the joint space
systemic circulation
portion of the circulatory system outside of the heart and lungs
systemic vascular resistance svr
the resistance that blood must overcome to be able to move within the blood vessels
the contraction, or. Of contraction, of the heart, especially that of The ventricle
temporal bones
lateral Bones on each side of the cranium. the temples
fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
male genital gland that contain specialized cells that produce hormones and sperm
thoracic cage
chest or rib cage
thoracic spine
the 12 vertebrae that lie between the cervical vertebrae and the lumber vertebrae. One pair of the ribs attached to each of these vertebrae
the chest cavity that contains the heart, lung, stopping us, and great vessels
thyroid cartilage (Adams apple)
a firm prominence of cartilage that forms upper part of the larynx
the shin bone. larger of the two bones of the lower leg
tidal volume
amount of air moved in and out of the lungs in one relaxed breath. About 500 mL for an adult
typographic Anatomy
superficial landmarks of the body that serves as guides to the structures that lie beneath them
the windpipe. main trunk for air passing to and from lungs
transverse (axial) plane
an imaginary line where the body is divided into top and bottom parts
the muscle in the back of the upper arm
Tunica Media
midline and thickest layer of tissue of hey blood vessel wall, composed of elastic tissue and smooth muscle cells that allow the vessel to expand or contract in response to changes in blood pressure and tissue
inner bone of the forearm on the side opposite the thumb
small, Hollow tube that carries urine from the kidneys to bladder
Canal that conveys urine from the bladder to outside the body
urinary bladder
Sac behind the pubic symphysis made of smooth muscle that collects and stores urine
urinary system
organs that control discharge of certain waste material filtered from blood and excreted as urine
a muscular, distensible tube that connects the uterus with the vulva. also called birth canal
Vasa deferentia
the spermatic duct of the testicles. also called vas deferens
the movement of air between the lungs and the environment
one of two lower chambers of the heart
the 33 bones that make up the spinal column
voluntary muscle
muscle that is under direct voluntary control of the brain and can be contracted or relaxed at will
VQ ratio
measurements that examines how much gas is being moved effectively and how much blood is floater on the alveoli where gas exchange occurs. Perfusion
white blood cells
blood cells I have a role in the body’s immune defense mechanism against infection. Also called Leukocytes
Xiphoid process
the narrow, cartilaginous lower of the sternum
the quarter angular bones of the cheek, articulated with the frontal bone, the mix Ilya, the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, and the great wings of the sphenoid bone