The Health and Social Care Act 2012 Flashcards
What are the main principles and aims of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (HSCA)?
NHS Reorganisation= established a new structure for NHS bodies, including the introduction of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
Patient Choice= empowered patients to have more control over their care.
Integration of Health and Social Care= aimed to bring greater integration between health and social care services.
Regulation of Providers= introduced measures to regulate providers and ensure the quality of services.
Transparency and Accountability= increased transparency in how services are delivered and a greater focus on the accountability of care providers.
*Enable patients to have more control over the care they receive.
*Those responsible for patient care have the freedom and power to commission care that meets local needs.
What are the key aspects of the HSCA 2012?
No decision about me without me
Set up health and well-being boards
Created clinical commissioning groups
Public health
Created healthwatch
What does it mean by No Decision About Me Without Me?
Shared decision making involving patients and their carers.
Patients are able to make choices about their care.
Care plans are jointly agreed.
Empower them as they are consulted.
Helps them take more responsibility in their care.
What are the Health and Wellbeing Boards?
Brings together health and social care commissioners, counselors and a lay representative.
This promotes joint working.
Helps tackle inequalities in health and wellbeing.
What is the Clinical Commissioners Groups?
GP-led bodies that commission most health services.
They replaced primary care trust.
They are responsible for controlling local spending and what local services to fund.
It has now been abolished under a new piece of legislation.
What is Public Health?
Increased focus on prevention with local councils taking over responsibility for public health services and health improvements.
E.G obesity, anti-smoking, screening and vaccination programmes
What is Healthwatch?
It is an independent service created by the act.
It aims to protect the interests of all those who use health and social care services.
It helps to communicate the views of patients to commissioning bodies and regulators.
What is the Health and Care Act 2022?
It is a new legislation that has altered some of the provisions set out in the HSCA 2012.
It has changed how the NHS is organised in England.
Clinical Commissioning Groups have been abolished.
The act has introduced Integrated Care Systems.
What is the Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)?
They are partnerships that bring providers and commissioners of NHS services together with local authorities and other local partners to collectively plan health and care services to meet the need of their local population (across a geographical area).
Each ICS is made up of an integrated care board and an integrated care partnership.
What is an Integrated Care Board (ICB)?
It is tasked with the commissioning and oversight of most NHS services and will be accountable to NHS England for NHS spending and performance.
What is an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)?
It brings a wide range of partners together to develop a plan to address the broader health, public health and social care needs of the population.